Hikari Omega Enriched Brine Shrimp is the latest frozen food added to the company’s product line. The product features brine shrimp that is gut-loaded with bio-encapsulated multi-vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids. Like other Hikari products, you can expect to get…
Continuum Aquatics AquaBlade is one serious scraping tool
When we caught up with the team at Continuum at ReefAPalooza this weekend, we asked the rep what the coolest thing they had in their product line. What bottle of magic did they show us? Nothing. They picked up the…
A Look at the new Neptune Systems Trident
Neptune Systems unveiled the new Trident — an new tool to test alkalinity, calcium and magnesium automatically — around MACNA and I was able to get a closer look at the Neptune Systems Trident at ReefAPalooza this past weekend. The…
Eshopps Lotus Mag coming soon
Eshopps is following up on its Lotus frag stand with a magnetic version, the Eshopps Lotus Mag, that will be available in the next month or so. Instead of a pedestal, the Lotus Mag will attach to the glass with…
Reed Mariculture tweaks TDO Chroma BOOST for optimal coloration
We know the red carotenoid astaxanthin is essential for optimal red and orange coloration in fish and coral, but Reed Mariculture conducted an experiment to ensure it had just the right level for clownfish coloration in its TDO Chroma BOOST food by…
AquaMaxx adds new Prism LED
The AquaMaxx Prism LED light is the latest and thinnest light from the company. The AquaMaxx Prism is built from an aluminum unibody frame and measures in just under 1/2 in. thick while packing a bit more LED punch than…
Can’t chose which food? Give newVision all-in-one Marine Food Blend a try
If you’re cobbling together a few different foods to meet the needs of your fish, they give the newVision all-in-one Marine Food Blend a try. Why? Because it’s a combination of four different pellet foods and two different flake foods all…
Reef Rax are realistic looking lightweight, porous resin frag racks
Reef Rax are a line of realistic looking frag racks that are lightweight and mimic real rock. Build from a highly porous resin structure, Reef Rax are so lightweight they are nearly buoyant when it is first placed in your…
Phantom Frag Plugs are sinister and we want them
We got excited when we saw these sinister looking frag plugs by Rock Hard Reefs. In fact, RHR dubs these dark gray ceramic plugs the Phantom frag plugs that come in either straight or angled designs. While most plugs are…