Brian Blank
1784 Articles0 Comments

Innovative Marine NUVO INT are a new line of tanks with an internal overflow

Innovative Marine NUVO INT is a new line of aquariums that feature their trapezoid “Infinity Overflow,” an internal coast-to-coast overflow with a “Bean Animal” inspired three drain set up. Similar to the NUVO EXT series of tanks, the NUVO INT…

AquaLife Reef Trace Elements GC aims to simplify trace mineral dosing

AquaLife Reef Trace Elements GC is a new additive from Aquarium Life Support designed to make dosing micro and trace elements a much simpler process.  The additive makes the addition of these essential ions in appropriate ratios to calcium. Since seawater…

Zetlight D100 Dosing Pump

The Zetlight D100 Dosing Pump is a WiFi-enabled dosing pump that can be tied into the Zetlight Horizon app for control from your smartphone or tablet like other products in Zetlight arsenal like the King Kong DC pump or Zetlight…

Colombo Marine Bacto Balls are another slow dissolving treatment

Are bacto balls on pace to be the next “thing” in nutrient management in the aquarium? Colombo Marine Bacto Balls are one of a few company’s we’re starting to see that are offering a gel type of bacterial supplement for the…

sera Nature ditches the dyes and preservatives

sera recently introduced sera Nature at Interzoo, a new line of natural foods that eliminate dyes and preservatives. The line of six flake food also tap into natural ingredients and includes a marine formula, sera Nature marin GVG-Mix Nature. Like other companies…

Atomic Greenie Grower Algae Reactors

The UK’s Atomic Reactors has a new algae reactor they recently released dubbed the Atomic Greenie Grower. Like other algae reactors, the Greenie Grower turns a small ball of chaetomorpha into a nitrate and organics reducing mechanism.  The company has a…

Avast Marine back in the Ozone game with Avast Mutiny 2.0

Avast Marine is back in the ozone game with a newly designed Avast Mutiny 2.0 recirculating ozone reactor that promises to be more effective and simpler to use than this first iteration that was discontinued a few years ago. Ozonation…

The top public aquarium in North America is in Springfield, Missouri

As the official kickoff to the summer travel season is here, we thought we’d share this interesting article from the USA Today as part of the publication’s 10Best series, that names the top public aquarium in North America the Wonders of…

Reef145’s tank is stylish — and an equipment lover’s dream

This tank of Reef145 is a sweet design by Sam Slobusky of New Orleans-based Wet Work that is built around a custom Elos 160 gallon tank and features a who’s who of cool aquarium tech. When we first heard about this…

AUQA Shield UV Sterilizer is coming for AIOs and sumps

The new AUQA Shield UV Sterilizer by Innovative Marine is designed to tuck nicely in the NUVO all-in-one aquariums plus will also feature a universal model to add to other AIO or sump setups. There are two sizes of the…