Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Coral Fluorescent Protein (CFP) Checker Flashlight makes it easier to search for special corals

The Coral Fluorescent Protein Checker Flashlight is the coolest tool we’ve yet seen to help us reefers to “paint by numbers” with the different wavelengths of LED colored light. Like the full-spectrum edition KR93 the CFP Checker flashlight is a…

Nano goby turns a Bullock’s Hypselodoris nudibranch into its own habitat

[vimeo width=”680″ height=”450″]http://vimeo.com/48234146[/vimeo] We tend to think of small reef fish living in a wide range of habitats but some species of Eviota and Trimma are so small that they can be at home on other reef creatures that are small…

Opistognathus decorus – tattoo jawfish is made with the color and size of a polleni grouper

Opistognathus decorus, the Tattoo Jawfish is the soul of a Polleni grouper trapped in the body of a jawfish. You can imagine how hard our jaw hit the floor when we got our first look at Opistognathus decorus, the most…

Hypoplectrus floridae & H. ecosur: two new species closely related to the barred hamlet

Hypoplectrus floridae and Hypoplectrus ecosur are two new species of hamlets recognized by unique coloration and confirmed with genetic analysis. The hamlets are a very interesting, curious and colorful group of medium sized basslets with behaviors that are reminiscent of both hawkfish,…

Tridacna gigas: chronicle of the Waikiki Aquarium’s 30 year old giant clam

Tridacna gigas is the giant clam of this remarkable group of molluscs, and one of the fastest and largest growing clam species. One particular Tridacna gigas clam has been living at the Waikiki Aquarium since bell bottoms were in style and…

Phantom Clownfish from Sea & Reef

The Phantom Clownfish is a new strain of Amphiprion ocellaris from Sea & Reef Aquaculture, with a unique pattern of dark black and bright white. The Phantom Clownfish is the offspring of Premium Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish, Black Ice Clownfish and super black…

Ghostly scopas tang shows aberration of both skin and eyes

A newly caught Zebrasoma scopas in Singapore is showing some ghostly resemblance to the infamous white-yellow tang, Casper. While not nearly as stark white as his cousin Casper, this new white Zebrasoma character started out nearly completely white with hints of…

AI Vega and AI controller played with in the wild

Last fall Aqua Illumination unveiled their next generation LED light codenamed Phoenix and then officially named the AI Vega. With a foundation of top of the line LEDs, custom designed lenses and a robust active cooling platform, the AI Vega…

Multicolor coral beauty hybrid specimen shows the beautiful blend of its parents

This multicolor and coral beauty angelfish hybrid is just the latest amazing Centropyge to be illustrated by long term friend of the blog Jimmy Ma. We’ve seen this particular cross of coral beauty and multicolor angelfish before in a tiny specimen…

Mini micro Bullet 0.5 from Precision Marine runs on concentrated beckett injection technology

The Mini Micro Bullet 0.5 is the newest model of the long lived line of Bullet skimmers from Precision Marine, and the first new model of beckett style of downdraft skimmer that we’ve seen in a long while. Needle wheel…