Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

This is what Saltwater Aquarists do

This instant classic, priceless gem of marine aquarium culture to us from David Revhtree of Reef2Reef. We were really beginning to tire of this ‘thinks I do’ internet meme until David knocked it out of the park with this graphical…

Resplendent Cherubfish is a new captive bred hybrid pygmy angelfish from Reef Culture Technologies

The Resplendent Cherubfish is a naturally impossible hybrid crossing of the mid-Atlantic resplendent angelfish, Centropyge resplendens, and the Caribbean cherub or pygmy angelfish, Centropyge argi. This new captive breeding handywork belongs to none other than the Xyphipops experts at Reef Culture…

Vertex Sensor Mag moonlights as an attractive support for a gyre frag tank divider

The Vertex Sensor Mag magnetic probe holder is attractive acrylic, neodymium and titanium and there is no doubt that it can hold up a few probes, but what else can it do? Well in the time that we’ve been using…

Vital-Wave from Eco-Lamps is a new line of LED spotlights with exotic color spectrum

The Vital-Wave LED spotlights by Eco-Lamps are just what the reef doctor ordered if you have a hankering for ‘rare’ LED color spectrum like Cyan, Indigo and Ultraviolet. Eco-Lamps, better known in the US as AcanLighting, has released the Vital-Wave…

Eguchipsammia at Extreme Corals DE is the first Micro Dendro we’ve seen in a couple years

Eguchipsammia, or Micro Dendro Coral as it is more commonly known is a really cool coral that seemingly no one talks about. Eguchipsammia started showing up in the trade about four years ago where it was widely distributed as Micro…

This simple two-bommie aquascape exudes subtle beauty

[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PQr6Y1tMaY[/youtube] When it comes to different school of reef aquarium aesthetics, our penchant definitely lies on the side of less is more. Case in point is this beautiful simple reef aquarium featuring two bommies of rock, a few…

SeaLab No. 28 mineral blocks – anybody still use these?

Of course some people must be using the Sea-Lab No. 28 mineral replenishing blocks because they’re still making them and we still see them on the same spot on the shelf of the mom n’ pop fish stores. We haven’t used…

Sera Multifil 350 is a new smaller sized media reactor

The Sera Multifil 350 is possibly one Sera aquarium product which could see widespread adoption by the saltwater crowd moreso than the freshwater people. The Multifil 350 is clealry built from the design of their Sera Flore CO2 reactor with its…

Time lapse video of disc and tongue corals show innate ability to survive being buried

It’s fairly well known that disc coral and tongue coral can excavate themselves after being buried with sand but a couple new time-lapse videos of Fungia scutaria and Herpolitha limax show something more. Not only do both of these corals inflate the…

AquaticLife strips of 1 watt LED are all kinds of flexible, affordable and expandable

The 1 watt LED strip from AquaticLife is the culmination of a lot of research into the needs of various aquarium hobbyists, and how AquaticLife could make a light that can be transformed for a wide range of applications. AquaticLife…