jeff kurtz
383 Articles204 Comments

Marine Aquarium Issue? Give the Fix Time to Take Effect

There’s an oft-repeated adage in this hobby that you can take to the bank: “Only bad things happen quickly in marine aquariums” (or some variation upon that general theme). In other words, while problems in marine aquariums seem to crop…

Salty Q&A: Water-Change-Induced Algal Bloom

Question: I recently did a 25-percent water change in my reef aquarium, and later that same day a film of green algae appeared on the glass. I cleaned it off with an algae magnet only to have it reappear just…

Don’t Underestimate the Individuality of Marine Fish

On numerous prior posts here at Saltwater Smarts, I’ve pointed out that a certain degree of behavioral variability is often seen among individual specimens of the same fish species. But what exactly do I mean by this and why does…

Don’t Underestimate the Individuality of Marine Fish

On numerous prior posts here at Saltwater Smarts, I’ve pointed out that a certain degree of behavioral variability is often seen among individual specimens of the same fish species. But what exactly do I mean by this and why does…

Why I’m Second-Guessing Strictly Observational Quarantine

For most of my years as a saltwater aquarium hobbyist, I’ve made a point of quarantining all new fish before introducing them to my main system. By and large, my approach to the quarantine process has been observational—that is, watching…

Halichoeres chrysus: A Hardy Little “Banana with Fins” That’s Just Right for Beginners

Known by a variety of common names—banana wrasse, canary wrasse, golden wrasse, yellow coris, et al—Halichoeres chrysus is hardy, readily available, reasonably affordable, well suited to modest-sized systems, and among the better choices for beginners. Of course, owing to all…

Salty Q&A: Why so Much Emphasis on Evaporation in Saltwater Systems?

Question I’m a long-time freshwater aquarium hobbyist but considering branching out to a saltwater reef system. In talking with some of my reefkeeper friends, I’ve noticed that they’re rather fixated on evaporation from their tanks and doing daily top-offs. Why…

Salty Q&A: Okay to Add LPS to Established Softy Tank?

Question Hi guys! My husband and I really enjoy your site and the commonsense advice you always give. My question for you is about the feasibility of adding an LPS coral to an established 60-gallon soft-coral tank. We’ve been keeping…

Paul B’s Unique Perspective on Keeping Mandarins

Hobby pioneer Paul “Paul B” Baldassano is not your grandfather’s reefkeeper (though he is old enough to be your grandfather!). In fact, Paul B’s perspective on just about any aspect of the marine aquarium hobby is quite distinct from anyone…

Salty Confessions: Procrastination Never Pays in Reefkeeping!

Regular SWS readers know that CC and I always emphasize the importance of staying on top of routine maintenance chores so small problems don’t develop into big ones. Great advice for a hobby in which only bad things happen quickly,…