jeff kurtz
383 Articles204 Comments

The Magnificent Magenta Dottyback

Despite their diminutive size, many of the dottybacks have a well-deserved reputation for aggression. In fact, some species, such as the royal dottyback (Pictichromis paccagnellae), are so belligerent that it can be difficult to match them with suitable tankmates, as…

Tips for Childproofing Your Saltwater Aquarium

Kids do the darndest things—especially the little ones. From the moment they learn to crawl, they seem to have the uncanny knack to zero in on the one circumstance in their environment that presents a hazard to life and limb—even…

4 Easy Ways to Avoid Marine Aquarium Malaise

A well-functioning and properly stocked marine aquarium can be a wonderful source of interest and inspiration. However, after many months or years of looking at the same setup and livestock, even the most colorful, compelling aquarium can begin to lose…

4 Reasons Not to Knock Nano Aquariums

One of our earliest posts here at Saltwater Smarts was titled “4 Reasons to Start with a Bigger Saltwater Tank.” In it, we outlined the various benefits of starting with a larger aquarium and the potential drawbacks to downsized systems—instability…

Beware These 5 Pitfalls When Buying Used Equipment for Your Marine Aquarium

There’s no question that setting up a saltwater aquarium can be a costly proposition. One way to help defray those initial expenses is to buy used equipment and materials when possible. There’s always someone upgrading to a new system, moving…

Gomphosus varius: This Wrasse is for the Birds!

It always seems that the more exotic looking a saltwater fish is, the more challenging it is for hobbyists to keep. Fortunately, such is not the case with Gomphosus varius, the aptly named bird wrasse. This hardy, intelligent, attractive species…

Consider These 6 Points Before Buying a Marine Aquarium Cleanup Crew

Marine aquarium cleanup crews (CUC)—those combo packs of various snails, crabs, and echinoderms sold for the purpose of algae control and detritus elimination—can serve an excellent utilitarian function in a saltwater system. What’s more, in addition to the janitorial duties…

5 Factors Leading to Long-Term Dietary Deficiencies in Marine Aquarium Fish

The occasional loss of fish is an unavoidable reality of marine aquarium keeping. Fish have a finite lifespan, and some are destined to pass away in captivity, even when they’re provided the best possible environment and care. But more often…

Attention Writers: The Marine Aquarium Hobby Needs You!

Today’s post is a little “off the beaten path” to say the least. Typically, we use this space to share information and insights with our fellow salties on exotic marine species, various aspects of marine aquarium husbandry, etc. This time…

The Hardy, Handsome, Largely Herbivorous Foxface Rabbitfish

When it comes to marine fish that earn their keep from the standpoint of visual interest, general ruggedness, and utility in the aquarium, few species can compete with the foxface rabbitfish (Siganus vulpinus). If provided adequate housing and an appropriate…