Jeremy Gay
Jeremy Gay
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Jeremy Gay is an author, editor, and lifelong fishkeeper, with over twenty five years in the marine aquatic sector. His experience includes retail, wholesale, publishing, distribution, marketing, manufacturing, and livestock import. He loves the biology of marine ecosystems as well as marine equipment and tech.

AI Nero Flow Directors offer Angle Adjustment for Popular Wave Pump 

British 3D printer Aqua Print has produced third-party angled nozzles for Aqua Illumination’s Nero flow pumps.   “The AI Nero range of Flow Directors allows you to direct the flow where you need it within your aquarium,” Aqua Print’s Jonny Prior…

Compsanthias is the New Genus for Anthias ventralis and hawaiiensis

Anthias ventralis and Anthias hawaiiensis have been placed into the new genus Compsanthias by Dr. Anthony Gill. In a paper published in the journal Zootaxa, Gill erects the new genus based on differences in the infraorbital bones, anal fin ray…

2024 Marine Aquarium Conference of North America Cancelled

Reef Builders is sad to learn that MASNA has had to cancel MACNA, the Marine Conference of North America, for 2024. The organization has released the following information via social media: “The Marine Aquarium Societies of North America (MASNA) deeply…

Ocellated Dragonets Can Offer Alternative Flatworm Control

If you ever suffer those pesky little rust-brown flatworms the usual prescription is either a Sixline wrasse, Springer’s Damsel, or a Psychedelic mandarin, Synchiropus picturatus. These are all good choices but the species we use to best effect in my…

Biota Announces Captive-Bred Convict Tangs

Biota has announced the latest species to be added to their captive-bred saltwater fish portfolio, the Convict Tang, Acanthurus triostegus. Widespread in nature and widely available and cheap in the aquarium trade, these striking algae grazers often struggle when first…

Reef Therapy #108 is a Must Watch Episode!

If you’re into corals you must be into coral spawning and its potential for the hobby and the world at large. In this week’s episode of the Reef Therapy podcast, Remy and Salem talk to Don and Lu from Inter-Fish…

Monsoon’s Lemonpeel Angelfish hybrid is Rare Find from the Great Barrier Reef

Monsoon Aquatics has collected a striking Lemonpeel hybrid angel with a spotted tail. Lemonpeel hybrids usually come from the Pacific Islands but this one was collected on the Great Barrier Reef. We asked Monsoon’s Dan Boserio and Mark Tate for…

Aquael Ultra Slim BT is one LED Aquarium Light for All 

This week we got to try out the latest LED light fixture from Polish equipment manufacturer Aquael. The Ultra Slim BT is a modern LED luminaire that is slimline and app-controlled, the BT stands for Bluetooth, and the phone app…

Mature Filter Media is Still the Quickest Way to Avoid the Ugly Phase

Cycling, and dealing with Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, and Cyanobacteria are the biggest setbacks for the new reefkeeper but they can be avoided. Bottled bacteria have their place and live rock and live sand their pros and cons, but the quickest, easiest,…

Russell Kelley’s Octocoral Finder will be the Ultimate Guide to Soft Coral ID

A few things on our wishlist have happened lately, and the news that Coral Finder Author Russell Kelley is working on a guide to Soft Corals is music to our ears. Named the Octocoral Finder, the new book will be…