Nicole Helgason
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Nicole Helgason is a professional scuba diver and can often be found photographing corals and sharing her passion about coral reefs around the world. Nicole is Reef Builders Event Manager and is responsible for running ReefStock shows in Denver and Sydney. Nicole is also a manager for Reef Builders social media accounts and a weekly contributor to the Reef Builders site. Nicole has a Bachelors degree in Coastal Geography from the University of Victoria, and is originally from Vancouver Canada.

Juvenile Orbicular Batfish Looks Just Like A Dead Leaf

We dug into our archives for this story, something you don’t see every day in the ocean and even less frequent in an aquarium. While diving in Sulawesi last year we came across a rather fat looking leaf. But upon…

Watch These Glowing Dolphins Surf Through Bioluminescent Algae

The first time Californian photographer Patrick Coyne saw a pod of dolphins dancing in bioluminescent waters, it was on Netflix. The second time, it was in person – camera in hand – on what he now describes as one of…

Jalan Masuk, Scuba Diving Bunaken Wall Sulawesi

Being on land isn’t easy for scuba diving coral lovers like me, and we find ourselves digging through our photo archives, reminiscing about the lush coral reefs of Indonesia. Jalan Masuk is the name of one of my favorite dive…

Ridged Cactus Coral Spawned And Settled At The Florida Aquarium

Ridged Cactus Coral Researchers at the Florida Aquarium have just added a new Caribbean coral to their captive spawning list. Mycetophyllia lamarkiana, the ridged cactus coral has successfully produced coral larvae, and more than 350 little baby corals are now…

FLUO GAMES – The Night of the Tentacles [VIDEO]

FLUO GAMES -The Night Of Tentalces Aquarists are no strangers to happy puffy polyps making the perfect timelapse subjects, yet, HD videos of this quality rarely come from natural reefs. The added challenge of currents and stability for timelapse subjects,…

Cloud Brightening Is Being Tested Over The Great Barrier Reef

Earlier this month we wrote about a recent bleaching event in Australia. This is the third widespread bleaching event in five years, and firsthand account from Ultra Coral Australia, describes this year’s event as the most severe deepwater bleaching they…

Deep Sea Biodiversity of Ningaloo Canyons Western Australia

Deep Sea Biodiversity Ningaloo Canyons Little is known about deep sea biodiversity, and very few deep sea areas both in and outside of Australia have been well-sampled. A large number of species still remain undiscovered and unnamed, and a recent…

Learn How To Frag Leather Corals With Gallery Aquatica TV

Fragging Leather Corals Our friend Ania from Gallery Aquatica is back at it with another episode of the Frag Files. The Frag Files is a video series on the Gallery Aquatica YouTube channel where Ania shares her expert coral propagation…

NASA NeMO-Net Wants YOU To Help Classify Coral Ecosystems

NeMO-Net NeMO-Net is an intelligent, space-aged iOS app, where players help NASA classify coral reefs by painting 3D and 2D images. Data from the game is fed to NASA NeMO-Net, the first neural multi-modal observation and training network for global…

30 Day Reef Tank – Testing and Waiting

Setting up a reef tank for someone who’s not in the hobby. Ever since we set our eyes on the Lifegard Aquatics Crystal peninsula nano tank we knew it would be the perfect addition to our family home. But convincing…