You remember we had a spy shot of a 20″ model of Currents Nova Extreme Lighting? Not much was known until now. Current has officialy released a 20″ version of their Nova Extreme lighting goodness. Packing 6×18 watt T5 power.…
Red Blotched Perchlet saltwater fish profile
The Red Blotched Perchlet known as Plectranthias inermis as the scientific name. The Red Blotched perchlet comes from Indonesia and the Phillippines, if you happen to live on the UK, most of those specimens originate from Balinese waters. This is…
Death by flame thrower, Aiptasia royally destroyed
We know what you are thinking, how can I rid my aquarium of Aiptasia? You might have tried several other methods to no avail. However you can get great advice from Andy who decided to take Aiptasia destruction to a…
Ultra algae X by Fauna marin before and after shots
Fauna Marin released the Ultra Algae X to the US shores with much fanfare. However, we were very curious if this stuff actually worked, in theory you should be able to dose it into your aquarium and it will rid…
Scribbled Angelfish saltwater fish profile
The Scribble angelfish known as chaetodontoplus duboulayi as the scientific name. Most of theses fish are exported though Australia and therefore shipped very quickly. Because of this we get vibrant imports, however because of this these are expensive fish to…
2 years later Polario pump finally released to beta testers
Polario which we haven’t heard about these past years has finally released some models to beta testing. Coming in two models 50w and 80w pushing 3,500gph and 5,500gph respectively. Energy Efficient, High Flow Low Voltage Water Pump Bi-Directional Outputs to…
Elos System Mini & e-lite available from elos dealers $1599
Elos has just officially released the new Elos System mini and the nifty e-lite LED lighting unit. If you happen to just want the light or not want the e-lite, its a cool $700. Some of the specifications of the…
Fauna Marin impeller appears blue line protein skimmer
We received another picture of a new Fauna marine impeller. We are really short of details at the moment but this appears to be a new model from either a new or existing pump. Not much is known and we…
Pink skunk anemonefish clownfish saltwater fish profile
The pink skunk clownfish known as amphiprion perideraion as the scientific name. The pink skunk clownfish has the dorsal band but can be distinguished by a vertical band across the gill cover. You can buy tank raised individuals but most…
Achilles Surgeonfish tang saltwater fish profile
The Achilles surgetonfish or tang is mostly imported from Hawaii, but it is not an easy species to keep in captivity. Achilles tangs can reach up to 19.5 inches and eats filamentous and macroalgae on exposed reefs. However if you…