Vincent Chalias
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Vincent is a coral passionate aquarist with extensive experience in the industry, travelling the world to learn about corals. His background is a master degree in Marine Aquaculture. He set up the first Indonesian Coral mariculture farms at the beginning of the century and spent over 20 years in Indonesia running them. He's been extensively diving and documenting corals all over the Indo-Pacific.

Acropora walindii, another deep water SPS jewel

Over the years, as you probably noticed, we have a thing for deep water Acros. Our love for them has never stopped growing mainly because they are just the best Aquarium Acropora because they just bloom and thrive in reef…

Rhodactis bryoides: The shroom that thought it was an anemone!

Thanks to our friend and colleague Joe Rowlett’s book Indo-Pacific Corals new insights were provided on many different coral families. One new development I found particularly interesting concerns the taxonomy of corallimoprh since not much new work has been done…

Isopora is the Most Common Coral You’ve Barely Heard of

During our reef journeys we’ve come across many different kinds of coral reefs dominated by Isopora – a very close relative of the beloved staghorn corals. But some of the shallowest reefs we’ve observed while diving in Bunaken National Park,…

A Wild Encounter with Ruby Red Jawbreaker Shrooms

When it comes to spotting them in the wild, Jawbreaker Discosoma are very similar to anemones in many ways. In the same way as Bubble tips anemones (Entacmea quadricolor), you either find a large size colony of various corallimorphs or…

Acropora tenella is a really deep Acro!

Being dyed in the wool Acro nerds there is one species which holds a special place in our hearts, Acropora tenella. We are all familiar with so-called ‘deep water’ Acropora but what we call deep Acropora is basically anything you…

If You Knew How Rare Fox Corals Truly Are

The fox coral has one of the most unique polyp shapes of any coral and it’s a real treat for coral divers to see underwater. As you know, we like to explore reef areas where not many divers go because …

The Deep Water Rose Coral Reef is a Living Treasure

Several months ago a deep reef from French Polynesia made the news as something completely new because we didn’t know about the existence of these deeper reefs. Nevertheless it’s a good thing that corals are in the news, and people…

Acropora halmaherae is a Real Delicacy

If corals are our life then Acropora are our Religion. So anytime we meet a new species of Acropora it’s always a real treat especially when we find one as characteristic as Acropora halmaherae. This very delicate, highly sculpted, very…

Galaxea Can Grow as big as Houses!

Large hard coral colonies are not only a very good sign of proper reef health, they are also a mesmerizing sight when they allowed to grow to full size. These majestic coral colonies are getting hard to find so we’re…

Bali Aquarium Becomes the first Licensed Ex-Situ Coral Farm in Indo

Over 20 years after becoming the first in-situ (Ocean Farm), licensed coral farm in Indonesia, Bali Aquarium has done it again, becoming the first ex-situ (inland) licensed coral farm in Indonesia to obtain export quota for these corals. It’s been…