sea & reef aquaculture

New Morse Code PNG Maroon Clownfish from Sea & Reef

Sea & Reef Aquaculture announced the release of their new PNG-lineage “Morse Code” Maroon Clownfish, Premnas biaculeatus. Lovers of the Lightning Maroon Clownfish, or for that matter any of the unusual Maroon Clownfish that came out of Papua New Guinea…

DaVinci clownfish are a curvy-barred form of the Snowflake clownfish strain

The DaVinci clownfish is a newly announced strain of Amphiprion ocellaris from Sea & Reef Aquaculture. Sometimes Sea & Reef is dropping names for clownfish strains that have been produced for years, even if their operation “refined” them, but the DaVinci clownish is…