Go to most places and the corals they will want to show off will be the eye-catching, crowd-pleasing ones like Torches, Chalices, and Tenuis. But the Reef Builders Studio was never just about showing off popular corals, it was about…
Featured posts
When Jake went to Sanjay’s house
This is one of the great Reef Builders videos and for several reasons. One, it shows off Jake in his prime, secondly he was with his friend Sanjay Joshi at his house, and third, the video is about Sanjay’s super…
Off timing coral spawning spotted in South Sulawesi
How much do we really know about corals? The answer is: Not so much, actually. While the general rule for coral spawning is a few days after the full moon, 2 hours after sunset, just before the water temperature high…
When Jake first took on the Reef Builders Studio
It’s hard to believe it has been five years now since Managing Editor Jake Adams first introduced us to the Reef Builders Studio. To say he was excited, or like a kid in a candy store doesn’t even cover it,…
How To Set Up A Nano Reef Tank In One Day
We’re celebrating the life of Reef Builders’ late, great Managing Editor Jake Adams this week, as it is one year since he passed away in October 2022. Jake built the Reef Builders Studio so that he could create some great…
Mustard X Convict Tang is One of a Kind Hybrid
Tropical Marine Centre has received a very rare surgeonfish that they believe to be a cross between the Mustard tang, Acanthurus guttatus, and the Convict tang, Acanthurus triostegus. We’ve seen some Achilles X Goldrim tang hybrids lately and Jake Adams…
Brazilian Reef Fishes Book is the Most Comprehensive Reference to Date
We knew this book would be good, but we didn’t know just how good it would be until we downloaded a preview from the publisher. Peixes Recifais Brasileiros, or Brazilian Reef Fishes, is a brand-new 320-page hardback book compiled by…
Grzegorz Grebosz’s Acropora are Probiotic Perfection
We admit to following and admiring this aquarium for a while, and although it’s existed in several guises since 2015, the bright, tabling acros and pristine, immaculately clean tank always manage to keep it looking like new. We caught up…
Why Cyanobacteria is the Most Important Organism that Ever Lived
The word Cyano conjures up images of nuisance “algae,” slimy, stinking bacterial sheets that plague our aquariums, smothering our plants, decor, and corals and bringing misery to reefkeepers all over the world. Cyanobacteria is a scourge, an indicator of poor…