The Biome Approach: A Tale Of Two Reefs By: Greg Collinske It seems like whenever we consider starting a new reef aquarium, we always come back to thoughts about the two very large reef exhibits in Denver’s Downtown Aquarium. We…
Denver Aquarium
ReefStock Pulled Out All The Stops For Its 10th Year
After having been to and spoken at virtually every reef show that has occurred in North America over the past 30 years I may be a bit jaded in terms of what I expect at a…
Go Dive Now: Try Scuba Diving at the Denver Aquarium June 30 & 31
Aquariums and scuba diving tabbed as two of the most expensive hobbies! Well, not today my friends. This weekend, you can try scuba diving for FREE in the Go Dive Now pool on wheels, outside the Denver Aquarium. July 30 & 31 from…
5 reasons to visit the Denver Aquarium
The Denver Aquarium features a mix of saltwater and freshwater displays and is home to over 500 species of marine life. With over 1 million gallons of underwater exhibits there is plenty to see and do at the Aquarium. 1.Dreamy Coral…