The Denver Aquarium features a mix of saltwater and freshwater displays and is home to over 500 species of marine life. With over 1 million gallons of underwater exhibits there is plenty to see and do at the Aquarium.
1.Dreamy Coral Reef Scape
You know we have a thing for corals and especially mature stunning reef tanks. The 5,000 gallon reef tank at the Denver Downtown Aquarium is a perfect example of what a reef tank should look like. First set up in 1998, this reef tank hasn’t always been a shining beacon of excellent coral growth and righteous reef display, but for the past ten years or so this has been a powerhouse garden of coral.
2. Cold Water Displays
We often focus on keeping tropical corals and warm water fish, however there is still plenty of interesting marine life in the coastal pacific water of North America. As you meander past the coral lagoon and shipwreck you enter the Pacific cold water displays.
The largest tank has two wolf eels, a dozen or more swell sharks, cod, anemones and other cold water creatures. For a little treasure hunt look for mermaids purses (shark eggs) in this display, left by the swell sharks. In the smaller displays you will find brightly colored star fish, corynactis anemones and plumose anemones, catalina gobies, and cute little sculpins among other sealife.
3. Fresh water rainforest exhibit
The Fresh water exhibits simulare different tropical rainforest environments with planted tanks and freshwater fish. Some exhibits represent rainforests that are periodically inundated by flooding. Other habitats in this area represent a protected mangrove swamp near the mouth of a river, where tangled, submerged roots provide ample hiding places for small fish species.

4. Mystic Mermaids
Ok so this one might seem a little silly for adults but kids love it. Two mermaid perform a daily show, (multiple shows on weekends) in the Under the Sea Exhibit. The mermaids swim behind the window blowing air bubbles kisses at the crowd. Their family-friendly, interactive show is choreographed to music. Check the Denver Aquarium website for show times.
5. Dinner with the Fishes
Grab a bite at the aquarium’s restaurant, which is surrounded by a 50,000-gallon tank of brightly colored tropical fish from the Caribbean, Hawaii, South Pacific and Indian Ocean. Of just hang out at the bar after you visit and toast to the fishes.