
The black-margin dottyback, Pseudochromis tapeinosoma, is rarely seen and full of character

The first time I ever saw and heard of this cool little fish was back in January this year. Back then I had no idea what this little fish was, and so did many other people. After digging around and…

The Mysterious Albino Dottyback, Pseudochromis sankeyi “Albino”

Dr. Matthew L. Wittenrich discussed a very interesting fish at the recent MBI Marine Breeder’s Workshop – an Albino form of Pseudochromis sankeyi, produced by Dutch marine fish breeder Robert Brons of Brons Mariculture.  While Wittenrich stated that this variation…

Pseudochromis erdmanni, a new dottyback species from Ambon and Sulawesi

Pseudochromis erdmanni is a new species of dottyback from Indonesia which has just been described by Jack Randall. The specimens used in the description of P. erdmanni were collected from Ambon and the Rajah Ampat Islands of Indonesia but is…

Bali’s new reef fish and coral revealed in stunning detail by Conservation International photos

The eight new reef fish and single new coral species that we wrote about on Friday are already being revealed in great detail by new press photos from Conservation International. Among the newly discovered species are one Euphyllia coral, two…

New pseudochromis and Euphyllia among the recent discoveries in Bali, Indonesia

Scientists just discovered eight new fish species and one new coral species after conducting a marine survey around Bali. Targeting 33 different sites the team identified 952 fish and found that eight were new undiscovered species that included damsels, eels…