Saltwater Fish

Brooklynellosis (Clownfish Disease): A Subtle, Fast-Moving Killer

As with many illnesses that affect people, fish diseases often manifest themselves in the earliest—and most treatable—stages through subtle, easily overlooked symptoms. Further clouding matters, many fish diseases have certain symptoms in common and are, therefore, easily confused with one…

S.E.A’s coral reef display is a veritable kaleidoscope of beauty

Oh S.E.A. Where do we begin. In our travels we’re fortunate enough to visit a hodgepodge of public aquariums. Often times we get to see behind the scenes, to the heart of the facility, where the quiet humming of machines…

Poetry in motion, Chaetodon daedalma in notion

A leather bodice, of gunmetal grey, Of polished iron, for which I overlay. Woven in chains, I shine like mercury, A knight I am not, of the 17th century.

Bali babies on display at Aquarama 2015

Bali Aquarich, the Asian sensation of the aquaculture scene, has been collecting accolades and trail blazing this niche in the last few years. They’ve come a long way since captive bred clownfish, and now boasts a stunning repertoire of angelfish…

Papua New Guinean endemics on display by Paradise Aquariums at Aquarama 2015

Aquarama is a fish and accessories exhibition held biennially in Singapore, where exhibitors, exporters, industry authorities and hobbyists gather for a glimpse of the aquarium happenings in South-East Asia. Although Aquarama is mostly geared towards freshwater fish and their corresponding ribbon ponies, it…

Pseudojuloides zeus is a new species of Pencil Wrasse from Micronesia

The genus Pseudojuloides constitutes a collection of fusiform torpedo shaped wrasses with chisel like incisiform teeth that are more often found living in lose sandy rubble instead of the usual coral cover. Pseudojuloides was last revised in 1981 where five new species were added to…

1.4 Fairy Wrasses: The bathyphilus group

The bathyphilus group, despite being a very small congregation, is by no means any less interesting or provocative compared to its congeners. In 1997 during the Indo-Pacific Fish Conference held in New Caledonia, five unidentified specimens of Cirrhilabrus were brought…

Tryssogobius Tuesday: A guide to the genus of fairy gobies

Amongst the giddying myriad of nano-sized gobies suited for the home aquarist, few genera exuberates brilliance and mystique quite like Tryssogobius. The genus comprises of delicate dainty gobies, of which seven are scientifically recognized. There are invariably many more waiting…

Monday misnomer: Will the real Pseudoplesiops rosae please swim up?

In another effort to rectify the various misnomers that plague the aquarium industry, we’ll take a look at a small innocuous dottyback that has been masquerading under an inaccurate alias for far too long. The fish above in the tile…

1.3 Fairy Wrasses: The lanceolatus group

The members of the lanceolatus group are some of the largest and showiest fairy wrasses, collectively celebrated for their grandiose caudal fin and chromatic brilliance. The group spans most of the Indo-Pacific, with its various species occupying a series of…