There are two pintail fairy wrasses, the large Cirrhilabrus lanceolatus usually from Japan and the smaller Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus which is known from Japan and the northern Philippines. In regards to the smaller dwarf pintail, this is an undescribed species sometimes referred…
Saltwater Fish
Unboxing the Vossen Aquatics Larval Snagger
If you’re into fish or invertebrate breeding, or even if you just have them spawning in your reef tank, one of the largest hurdles is getting the offspring out of your aquarium and into a larval rearing environment. You may…
Automatic frozen fish food feeder is in the running for best DIY project ever
While in Phoenix, as we do wherever we go, we went on a tour of tanks and stores in the area and came across something truly unique. We’ve seen our fair share of awesome private tanks, killer equipment rooms and…
ORA announces White Bonnet Clownfish coming in 2014 (with awesome video)
As you may recall, last year we reported a story about a very special pair of White Bonnet clownfish (Amphirpion leucokranos, aka “White Cap”) that made a voyage from Ocean Gallery II to the ORA hatchery in Florida, nearly getting lost…
Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus squirei dressed in full regalia
We’ve been covering head to toe on the newest Cirrhilabrus from down under that there’s hardly anything new to say. That did not stop us from taking some incredible pictures of this extremely beautiful terminal male specimen though. We’ve been…
LiveAquaria makes historic first aquarium offering of the line-spot triggerfish
Xanthichthys lineopunctatus is a triggerfish so rare that it doesn’t even have a real common name, but that hasn’t stopped LiveAquaria from scoring the first ever live specimen for the aquarium trade. LiveAquaria is going with the Fishbase common name…
Digiman shares his new Pseudanthias rubrolineatus and Cirrhilabrus claire in a video update
Digiman is back with a new tank update showing a glimpse of his exquisite collection once again. Fans of rare fish who follow Reefbuilders often should be familiar with this Singaporean reefer. With an extensive know how of deepwater rare…
Awesome Fish Spotlight: Deep water Chromis sp
This deep water undescribed Chromis species is a lesser known fish that has been living in the shadows of the deep, as well as the recent haul of Peppermint angels. The recent peppermint collection has created much buzz around the…
Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus claire like you’ve never seen, up close and in HD
Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features what is probably the rarest and least often seen species of Cirrhilabrus currently that has entered the trade. These are some of the clearest pictures of a large stunning alpha male anywhere right now and…