Saltwater Fish

We need more digital ‘self-reporting’ like Walt Smith Fiji’s videos of hand caught fish collection

Walt Smith Fiji has recently uploaded a series of short videos showing some expert divers cautiously and effectively wrangling up fish along the reefs using on a net. Not only is the skill involved with capturing these fish with a…

Seahorse Aquariums shares an evening with a Red Sea aquarist

In their “Evening with an Aquarist” series, progressive aquarium shop Seahorse Aquariums in Dublin Ireland brought Steve Halls to the west side of the British Isles to school 70 attendees on some very modern thinking about managing marine aquarium chemistry.…

PNG fish return to the US with unprecedented level of accountability

Sustainably collected fish and inverts from Papua New Guinea (PNG) have arrived on US shores once more.  Despite what you may have read elsewhere, the official information continues to suggest that there had not been a single shipment from PNG…

Trimma matsunoi, T. fasciatum and Gobiodon winterbottomi join a long list of cool new nano gobies

The new description of Trimma fasciatum, Trimma matsunoi and Gobiodon winterbottomi show that although the summer doldrums may be in full swing for the marine aquarium hobby, the ichthyologists are still busy classifying reef fishes.Especially with the nano reef gobies like Eviota and Trimma, these tiny substrate…

Poll shows two-thirds of Hawaiians oppose commercial reef harvests

We’ve seen the argument for banning the commercial collection of reef fish for the aquarium trade hit a stride in the last few years. While legislative recourse to ban collection has simmered down for the moment, many organizations are still…

Dr. Seuss fish, Belonoperca pylei, in America

The Dr. Seuss Soapfish, Belonoperca pylei, brings back so many fond memories. I have never been more excited about a fish than I am on the arrival of this one. My first encounter with this fish was back in 2006 when Greg…

Bali Aquarich – Contender for first captive-bred Annularis angelfish

A recent spate of captive breeding successes, particularly with the Koran angelfish Pomacanthus semicirculatus, had us wondering what the next captive bred “Big Angel” would be.  Based on what we’re seeing from Bali Aquarich (producers of the first captive-bred Pinnatus Batfish), it…

Todd Gardner is breeding success with AlgaGen Copepods & 20,000 Gallons

Earler today, Todd Gardner (the man to first breed Liopropoma basslets) announced a new breeding success at the Long Island Aquarium where two damselfish species were specifically mentioned.  Neoglyphidodon melas, the Bowtie Damsel, was reared from larvae collected in the…

Oxymonacanthus halli: LiveAquaria’s offers the Red Sea harlequin filefish

LiveAquaria produced and delivered, a fully conditioned specimen of the Red Sea “Harlequin” Filefish, Oxymonacanthus halli.  I cook dinner for my wife and son, go run some errands, and come home to a Facebook posting from Dr. Matt Wittenrich, waving…

Looks like Blue Harbor gets Centropyge narcosis

I believe everybody is wondering where Centropyge narcosis goes, but it looks like Blue Habor in Japan got it.  It is still not sure how many Centropyge narcosis they got.  It might be only one, but might be more than one.  Reefers in…