This Specimen is a Great Candidate for a Queen X Rock Beauty Hybrid

Hybrid angelfish and finding them is one of the more interesting aspects to being a fan of the more than one hundred species of the most colorful and interesting fish on tropical coral reefs. Sometimes the hybrids are very obvious…

Cherry Fairy Wrasse is an Exciting New Cirrhilabrus from the Philippines

The Cherry Fairy Wrasse is a new species of Cirrhilabrus which has just been discovered in the Philippines. The new fairy wrasse is wildly distinct from any known species of Cirrhilabrus, but shares a few similarities with some common, popular marine aquarium…

What do air compressors have to do with aquarium corals and fish?

We are back from an epic road trip through central Indonesia where we’ve been looking far and wide for rare fish and awesome corals. It is safe to say our journey was a success however, this really got us thinking…

Reef Builder’s recap on 2013’s most alluring hybrids

We wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t cover any hybrids this year, and like the hardworking elves at Santa’s factory, we made sure we did it with glitter and bow ribbons. This year we had our fair share…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus brunneus, specter of darkness

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight is a recap on a species that we’ve highlighted before, but aims to introduce new pictures of a brand new specimen that recently entered the market again. Cirrhilabrus brunneus is a rare species that is closely…

Bizarre broken-stripe ocellaris clownfish collected in Palawan, Philipines

It would be easy to overlook the broken stripe clownfish above in a tank full of domestic strains of picasso and snowflake clownfish, but this big girl was collected in the wild. C. V. Neptune Marine collected the broken stripe…