Woman finds 16th Century Portuguese medallion inside a shark

Here’s a rather bizzare story of how a woman from Klebang found a rare 16th century artifact while filleting a shark for lunch. Housewife Sueseela Menon apparently brought back two sharks from the market to prepare curry for her husband,…

The Blue Velvet Angelfish now *officially* described as Centropyge deborae

Centropyge deborae is the official name of the weird dark blue pygmy angelfish that is so far only known from one location in Fiji. As far back as June Reef Builders got word that the Blue Velvet Angelfish would be…

PO4x4 phosphate testimonial from John & Cam’s Bali Reef, a 2500 gallon UK reef aquarium

PO4X4 is one of the newer phosphate removers on the aquarium market which has the added bonus of being able to be regenerated and reused. Sometimes it can take a while for home reefers to notice the relative performance of…

African Flameback Angelfish successfully captive bred by Reef Culture Technologies

Centropyge acanthops, the African Flameback Angelfish, is the latest species of captive bred angelfish to be announced by Reef Culture Technologies.  Yes…Frank has been extremely busy in 2011, so much so that he’s nailing the “species firsts” left and right.…

Inter-subgeneric hybrids of Roaps butterflies are rare and amazing

Roaps butterflyfishes can form hybrids with other unrelated members of the butterflyfish group although very rarely, to form inter-subgeneric hybrids. Fishes and other animals generally hybridize with other species that are highly similar, usually in the same genus, or within the…

Reef Hobbyist Magazine goes international, infiltrating Asia with Chinese edition

Harry T. Tung and Jim Adelberg have been working hard to build Reef Hobbyist Magazine, their FREE quarterly publication, for 5 years now.  As Jim and Harry launched the  sixth season of RHM, they enter a new chapter with the…

Experienced aquarists consider safeguarding broodstock of endemic Hawaiian fish

We’re pretty sure that the proponents of the Hawaiian-based anti-aquarium-trade movements will try to cherry pick an article like this for out-of-context statements that they can try to use to use against the aquarium industry. If you found your way…

Watch Luiz Rocha’s presentation on the Diversity and Evolution of Coral Reef Fishes

If you weren’t able to make it to last week’s Diversity and Evolution of Coral Reef Fishes, fret not because this informative talk is already up and live on the interwebz. Dr. Luiz Rocha, the ichthyologist who has described for…

Home automation still a hot topic at tech trade shows, hoping 2012 is the year it comes “home”

As hobbyists, we’ve been resourceful when it comes to managing our systems. From the simple use of lamp timers to complex X10 systems to modern day controllers and iPhone apps, we as hobbyists like to push the envelope and do…

End of a 17-year Era: “Mamma” Onyx Clownfish, where are you?

It’s with a bit of sadness that we report today that it looks like the world’s most famous Onyx Percula Clownfish, “Mamma” Onyx, has vanished after at least 17 years in captivity. With no body being found, the official tang…