Hybrids between the magnificent firefish and the decorated firefish are a perfect blend of the two

Firefishes make great aquarium specimens and are wildly popular, be it the lower end maginificent firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica), or the higher ended helfrichi firefish (Nemateleotris helfrichi). Firefishes fall into the category of “factory made” fishes where every single piece looks…

Sea Dwelling Creatures scores with amelanistic flame angelfish and another piebald white & yellow tang

[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy0HeLWjRns[/youtube] Sea Dwelling Creatures has had a hot streak of unusual fish lately, this week landing not one but two prized reef fishes: an amelanistic flame angelfish and one of those funky piebald white and yellow tangs. The…

Almost full black Rock Beauty Angelfish is a unique stunner

We’ve posted so many aberrantly colored fishes here on ReefBuilders that it has become part of the norm to expect something weird and off-colored to pop up every now and then. Yet it never gets old and each fish lucky…

Purple Purple Tang and White-barred Asfur Angelfish are not your average Red Sea imports

For quite some time now the Hawaiian Yellow Tangs and Scopas Tangs have been hogging the limelight in the aberrant department for Zebrasoma surgeonfishes. Piebald yellow tangs, tricolor Scopas tangs and even pure white yellow tangs with fancy super-hero names given!…

This adult yellow belly blue tang looks wildly different from its Pacific counterpart

Before this past weekend we would have been first in line to dog on the usually pale yellow belly regal blue tang, Paracanthurus hepatus, from the Indian Ocean. While visiting Marine Designs near Atlanta Georgia, among some of the awesome…

Zoanthids with forked tentacles look like mini hammer corals

When it comes to corals, Zoanthids have the capacity to do some very unusual things, including strange colors and now we have some documentation of aberrant tentacles. The forked tentacles of the Zoanthids pictured here were discovered by Nano-Reef member…

Dramatic orange and black coral beauty angelfish looks like it went through photoshop

When it comes to aberrant fishes, it’s always a hit and miss with each individual person when it comes to beauty. What may appear to be extraordinarily beautiful, may appear hideous to another. The above coral beauty (Centropyge bispinosa) that…

Centropyge madness hits several Japanese LFS

The local fish stores of Japan are once again in the spotlight as they chaperon a new batch of very unusual Centropyge pygmy angelfish. The fish shown above is a very unusual dwarf angel brought in by B-Box Japan. We’re…

Piebald Zebrasoma and a smiling Koran Angelfish shows up at US wholesalers

Aberrations are amongst some of nature’s most wonderful surprises and few more so than the piebald yellow tang. The spectacular specimen brought in by Quality Marine is a fine example of how variable these piebald Zebrasoma tangs can be. No…

EcoAquariums PNG Ltd is the new exclusive exporter for Papua New Guinea livestock

Eight months after the official word that EcoEZ’s PNG SEASMART program had come to legal blows with the government of Papua New Guinea (PNG), you might have given up hope on seeing PNG fish anytime soon.  In fact, it has…