Xanthic Acanthurus surgeonfish caught on video

The xanthic surgeonfish is the latest freak to come out of the family Acanthuridae. You’ve seen the piebald tang, the tricolor scopas, the aberrant scopas, the nearly all white yellow tang Casper but this all solid yellow Acanthurus is the…

Ghost Tang at World Wide Corals is a white-colored yellow tang treasure

We’ve heard of white yellow tangs being spotted in the wild before but this is the first we’ve seen of a completely ghost white yellow tang being captured for the aquarium trade. World Wide Corals just received an all white…

Southwest Marines in the UK grows it’s own Phyto, and lots of it

There’s a pretty special shop in the UK called Southwest Marines which at first glance seems rather unassuming but they do some really interesting things. In addition to housing some amazing aberrant tricolor tangs and gem tangs like it was…

Blueface Clarion and double rainbow passer angelfish are the highlights of recent Cortez Marine imports

Rarity aside, it would be hard to pick between either the amazing blueface Clarion angelfish above, or the double rainbow passer angelfish below. Both stunning Holacanthus specimens were recently caught by Cortez Marine. The odd blueface clarion was captured at…

Lightning Maroon Clownfish stars in it’s own HD video

[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjPMeY4ZTQA[/youtube] The lightning maroon clownfish is an amazing variant of Premnas biaculeatus from Papua New Guinea which was discovered with extremely aberrant lightning stripes. When word spread of this fish, the domestic and global marine aquarium communities were…

Black Ice Semi Snowflake Clownfish is ORA’s freak of the week

Lookout Dominoes and Black Photons because there’s a new clownfish cross in town and it’s called the Black Ice Semi Snowflake. Apparently ORA tried to rub a black ocellaris clownfish together with a snowflake clownfish, hoping to get a black…

Xanthic scribbled regal angelfish, chillin in the quarantine of Taunton Aquatics Centre, UK

If the xanthic scribbled regal angelfish we saw in the back room of Taunton Aquatics Centre wasn’t enough to surprise us then the full blown aquarium quarantine system was. Even in the U.S it is rare to see a dedicated…

Tricolor scopas tang video of a large captive specimen swimming calmly at Southwest Marines

The Tricolor tang we shared with you a couple of weeks back was cooperative for both the still and video cameras. It took a while for this large captive specimen living at Southwest Marines to relax with our camera in…

Tricolor and gem tangs a plenty at Southwest Marines, UK

Southwest Marines was the first all marine aquarium store we visited in the UK and we must say it was quite a pleasant surprise to round the corner and spot LED lighting, two gem tangs, one tricolor tang (aberrant scopas)…

When common corals are Amazing corals

I was at a local coral “chop shop”  a while back (yeah, they exist here in SoCal), perusing the raceways chock full of ½” frags of “LE” corals , when I saw it: A brilliant, neon- green, orange-tinged  flash- a…