Porous coral skeletons are great surrogates for bone grafts

The Israeli desert is not exactly where you’d expect to find a coral farm, so far from the Red Sea, but in the Negev desert is precisely where OkCoral has set up their coral farming operation. Unlike the typical coral…

Giesemann Aurora LED/T5 hybrid launches, gives best of both worlds

The new Giesemann Aurora LED/T5 hybrid is an impressive looking light fixture that combines the best of both worlds – the efficiency, shimmer and color potential of LEDs and the spread and cover of T5 fluorescent lighting. The German company…

Does the surface area of live rock really matter?

The reef aquarium hobby is a past time of expendable income and mental bandwidth;  this explains why even though the focus is supposed to be about reef life like corals, fish and inverts, we get sucked into long esoterical discussions…

Why Are We Drawn to Marine Aquarium Keeping?

Recently, while going through the motions of an overdue water change in my 125-gallon FOWLR tank, I found myself reflecting upon this bizarre obsession of ours. I wondered why, given all the cost, effort, and frustration that go into setting…

Building an Obsession unveils an ingenious new frag transporting system

Building an Obsession is a start-up marine aquarium company which earlier this year turned heads with their interesting simple and elegant sump designs, as well as some sophisticated supplement dosing boxes. This time Building an Obsession is back with an…

7 Questions with Steinhart Aquarium’s Matt Wandell

We thought it would be fun to do a series of “7 Questions” with people in the industry and hobby. Our first candidate is a Matt Wandell, a marine biologist at the Steinhart Aquarium at the California Academy of Sciences…

Coral-Shop compounds bond stone to both stone and glass

Coral-Shop, the equipment manufacturer from the Czech Republic, recently released two compounds to mount stone to both other stones and glass. The bonding agents are meant to be used dry and will provide strong and reef safe bonds while setting…

Will you stop hiding from me! Lonesome Liopropoma

Today’s post is c0-contributed by Mr. Tay, a friend of ReefBuilders and one of my best fish buddies in Singapore. Mr. Tay is known online by his alias “Digiman”, and has an extensive collection of deepwater and unusual fish, many…

Get to know some unique, free-living and “walking” corals

Disc corals have gotten incredibly popular over the last few years for their ability to have extremely brilliant colors, a single polyp & corallite which is hard to propogate, and because they are just that cool! However disc and tongue corals…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Genicanthus watanabei and notes on the genus

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features a member from the angelfish family Genicanthus, which features medium to large plankton feeding species that sport unusually long tail filaments. Like the colloquial name “swallowtail angels” suggests, Genicanthus are noted for their markedly long…