OT2 LED from Arcadia: T5 and LED hybrid light fixture

The OT2 T5 and LED hybrid luminaire from Arcadia lighting is a forthcoming lighting fixture whith the potential to blend the best of both types of lighting sources. The product is set to launch in 25 days from now, as…

Vitrea’s new Orbital rimless Tanks and Stands

Vitrea, which makes fine Aquarium equipment in Italy has added to their line of aquarium tanks and stands with their new Vitrea Orbital rimless collection. This collection is beautiful. Those Italians really know how to bring up a piece of…

SECORE is in full swing blogging about the Curacao coral spawning

Another summer season is nearing a close and in the Northern Hemisphere, that means that stony corals are getting horny; elkhorn and staghorn that is. For the last several years, the pre-eminent authority on capturing and rearing coral larvae, SECORE,…

IceCap bids farewell to Anthony Calfo

That tie up with IceCap and Anthony Calfo comes to a close, after being together for only a short 10 months. IceCap announced that they would sever ties with Anthony as he pursues other efforts in the reef keeping hobby.…

Soft Corals: Still Sexy After All These Years

Being a traveling fish geek/speaker, I probably get to see as many aquariums each month as some hobbyists do all year. In almost every city that I visit, I’m taken to amazing aquariums- some are huge, some are medium sized,…

Vertex Aquaristik UF 15 Universal Media Reactors

Vertex has released their UF 15 media reactor which is great for a small amount of media. You’ll need to include a pump like other Media Reactors, but you can get by with just tubing, no need for messy PVC.…

DIY: LED lighting fixture for a nano aquarium

With most of us still wanting a LED light project of some sort, one of the only routes to go is the do-it-yourself option. Yamato decided to take it upon himself to construct a LED light fixture from scratch and…

Early Pre Orders for Apex Aqua Controller have started to arrive

The Apex aqua controller has been shipping for a few days now and some fortunate early pre-orders have arrived into eagerly awaiting new owner’s hands. Neptune Systems has released the full skinny along with a manual of the new controller…

Deltec TC SC skimmer captured on video

While the world has been patiently awaiting (Europe should have their units already) the new TC/SC skimmer lines from Deltec to be released for public consumption, we are left with a teaser video that shows the unit up and working.…

New form of OLED lighting very closely approximates the sun

A new form of OLED (organic light emitting diode) has us salivating as much as the Luxim LIFI plasma arc lighting. We’ll let you read the entire post which we have reproduced with permission but when and if this technology…