Here’s our top picks for MACNA speaker presentations, what’s yours?

So we’re on our way to MACNA in Orlando and in order to make sure we don’t miss any of the top notch speaker talks, we’ve already programmed alerts into our iPhone for when certain presentations will go down. In…

Amazing images from reef restoration nursery on Florida Keys

We’ve written about Ken Nedimyer before and the amazing work him and his team are doing with the Coral Restoration Foundation, restoring coral to reefs off of Key Largo. We were amazed by these inspiring and beautiful pictures in a…

Sanyo VPC-CA102YL waterproof HD camcorder, getting up close and personal in your reef

Waterproof cameras aren’t anything new but with the amount of HD punch packing in smaller forms cameras like the new Sanyo VPC-CA102YL waterproof camcorder are bringing an affordable, handheld HD camera giving you the ability to get right inside your…

Joe Lichtenbert and Reef Propagations, Inc. retiring

A quiet Midwestern dynasty spanning two decades is coming to a close.  After 21 years as a commercial ornamental marine fish hatchery operator, Joe Lichtenbert, proprietor of Reef Propagations, Inc., is hanging up the nets. I first became aware of…

Robertus Reef hits the one year mark, celebrates with a flashback video

[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″][/youtube] Robertus is an interesting Dutch reefer who has been cataloging his 60 gallon reef tank every two months as it progresses. It’s been a full year since he started adding corals to his reef tank and we’d…

Art students create fascinating seascape sculptures using unique materials

You might remember Sayaka Ganz and her incredible reclaimed material sculptures we highlighted a few months ago. Sayaka was so kind to forward some incredible sculptures some of her students completed recently for an assignment in one of her classes at…

Aqua Reef Tech is a rare builder of acrylic tanks in the BeNeLux

The following is a guest contribution from Karl Vankersschaever, owner of Mare Nostrum and a passionate European reef aquarium hobbyist. Although very common in the US, you can hardly buy an acrylic tank in Belgium, the Netherlands or Luxembourg (BeNeLux).…

Will 2010 mark the marine hobby’s shift to captive breeding?

We may look back at 2010 as the year the marine aquarium hobby truly realized the importance of captive breeding and started doing something about it.  I’ve just returned from speaking at Reef Ed, the annual educational event put on…

Aquatic Self-Discovery: The art of Learning Something New

As I often do, I was chatting  “fish” with Jake the other day, and the conversation inevitably turned towards our upcoming aquarium projects. If you read my blog regularly, it’s no secret that I have rekindled my love affair with…

Tricolor LED pucks for the AquaIllumination bring the standard and royal blues

We’re not sure what to be most excited about regarding the new Tricolor LED puck for the AquaIllumination light: that it’s the first commercial aquarium LED light to incorporate XP series royal blue LEDs or the first to deliver both…