Reefbuilders Indonesia Travelogue – How corals get from Farm to Tank

We’ve spent the past two month traveling around Indonesia to answer one question, do you know where your corals come from? To find the answer, we met with coral farmers, dove with coral collectors and toured export facilities in Bali…

How a reef tank really looks under hybrid T5 & LED lighting

Check out this new reef tank video by Martin Kunzelnick and tell us this is not a work of art. What we love most about this reef tank, other than the luscious and healthy corals, the active and vibrant fish, and the…

Jean Jaubert’s ‘perfect’ 5 liter reef bowl ecosystem

Reef Aquariums have become so sophisticated and can be so complex that ‘hardcore reefers’ treat the design and build of a new reef tank almost like a sport. One look at the numerous build threads is evidence enough to demonstrate how…

NASA gets the reefing bug

NASA is spreading its interest to the underwater world as the agency we typically associate with outer space begins a three-year NASA CORAL field expedition gets underway this year to survey more of the world’s coral reefs. The NASA-led study…

Salty Q&A: Bay Window Reef Lighting?

Question I’m setting up my first reef aquarium and want to keep my approach as natural as possible. The room where I plan to place the tank has a really big bay window in it, and succulents and other sun-loving…

Upcoming Philips CoralCare LED preliminary tests online

The team at Philips didn’t just slap some diodes into a box and call it a LED light for coral as it is showing it has put serious consideration into this product. In fact, Philips commissioned Tim Wijgerde, Ph.D. of…

Reefbuilders Travelogue – Padang Bai and the search for Euphyllia baliensis
Padang Bai Pier is located 40 km (25 miles) east of Denpasar City and is the main ferry terminal for boats leaving Bali to Lombok and Gili Islands. There are a handful of dive sites North of the main ferry dock,…
Signs You May Need to Lower Your Reef Tank’s Bioload

The bioload in a reef aquarium increases through both the acquisition of new specimens as well as the growth/reproduction of established livestock. So, unless fish and corals are dying in significant numbers (which they shouldn’t be unless there’s a major…

Kristen Marhaver’s TED Talk on reef-building with baby corals

We recently came across this great TED talk which presents some pretty interesting research about coral larval behavior, and what it may take for baby corals to survive and thrive in a changing ocean environment. “How we’re growing baby corals…

Longevity in the coral reef aquarium

Recently while perusing the web, I came across an interesting post by Paul B regarding his reef tank now being 44 years old. And while I have been doing this a long time none of the tanks I have ever…