Why is the aquarium hobby so addicting?

We have all heard and know about the addictions that are frequently talked about such as the addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, eating, and sex. But in reality virtually anything can be addicting as is the case with seemingly lesser…

Top 7 new coral species of 2015

2015 was a record-setting year for new species of corals, not in terms of the number of new descriptions, but in sheer biological extremes and new discoveries. There were far more new species of reef fish described in 2015, but…

14 Pinterest boards to follow for aquarium inspiration

Pintrest is a visual discovery tool containing all sorts of ideas for everything from Cooking, DIY, Cars and yes even Reef Tanks. We’ve come up with 14 Pintrerest boards you can follow for inspiration in your home reef tank and…

Bounce mushroom sells for record $6,000 for a single polyp!

There was a lot of news to come out of this last weekend’s Reefapalooza in Costa Mesa California but the coral heads were all talking about one thing: a single ginormous polyp of the infamous Bounce Mushroom sold for a…

Please Watch this Important Video on Palytoxin!

Many of us are inspired to keep marine life for its exotic beauty or interesting behavior. But if we’re being perfectly honest, we have to admit there’s also something intriguing about keeping—and displaying to our friends and family—marine organisms that…

Top 5 invasive corals that border on being aquarium pests

We’re so used to thinking of corals as precious and delicate, it’s hard to imagine some of them are invasive species in our aquariums. Invasive corals in the wild are a real problem, with sun coral Tubastrea having two established species…

Tank Profile: Joe Garza’s SPS-dominate Reef Savvy Rimless Aquarium

The blue thumb behind this beautiful reef, Joe Garza, is a U.S. Navy veteran who spent years traveling the oceans, exploring the globe, and admiring the beauty of the aquatic world. He kept aquariums filled with all sorts of colorful…

Steinhart Aquarium’s Caribbean display is a truly realistic representation of a biotope

Few set ups truly elicit fascination and marvel quite like those done in a biotope fashion. A biotope refers to an area of uniform environmental conditions which provides a specific niche for a particular set of organisms. Because aquarists are spoilt for choice…

Amazing Aquarium’s soft coral display will lull you into a hypnotic trance

I think it’s so unfair that people don’t give soft coral enough credit. I’m not talking about zoanthids, those single limited edition collectable polyps that cost as much as an emerald ring doesn’t quite cut it for me. I’m talking…

Tyler Bell’s Zoanthid tree is an exquisite concept of coral display

Corals are such adaptive creatures, they are amenable to being positioned and grown into all kinds of shapes and positions. Tyler Bell’s Zoanthid Tree is an impressive collection of many popular strains of Zoanthus and Palythoa species arranged into an unforgettable bouquet…