iPhone 4 background wallpapers of reef fish and coral

The iPhone 4 has been available for just under a week which means that at least a million people out there are looking for some awesome wallpapers to tweak out the latest toy from Apple. Calling the iPhone 4 a…

So really, how important is it to feed aquarium fish frequently?

Most of us are familiar with recommendations like “feed your fish only a couple times per week to minimize organic waste in a reef tank”.  These recommendations also stem from the fact that most beginning hobbyists simply overfeed so we…

Lookdown fish, Selene vomer, soon to be available captive raised from Proaquatix

The lookdown, Selene vomer, is a very interesting fish with a stunning appearance that changes throughout it’s life. Lookdowns are frequently available from Florida and Caribbean reef life suppliers but these are usually as medium to large sized fish which…

The Danger of “Regurgitation”

If you’ve been “around the block” a few times in this hobby, you’ll often hear fellow hobbyists dispensing words of aquatic wisdom to anyone who needs it. You know, the usual stuff, like “you need to quarantine new animal purchases”, …

ReefED 2010 for Mile High Reefers in Denver this Saturday

If you needed any more proof that Colorado was a happening place for reefing, hot on the heels of ReefStock is ReefED, the second reef aquarium event to hit the Denver area this year! ReefED is unique among aquarium conferences…

Ornamental marine fish culture getting shot in the fin with research funding

The ornamental marine fish culture, while very valuable to us aquarists, is typically viewed as unimportant to the world.   The primary concern of the world is NOT putting fish in people’s aquariums, but instead, putting fish into people’s stomachs.  When…

Wyoming Whites on a Blue Carpet

Last MACNA in New Jersey I picked up a pair of brand spanking’ new Wyoming White (Amphiprion ocellaris) clownfish just released to the market by C-Quest via Ocean Gallery II. I flew the expensive little freak beauties home and set…

Underwater RED video of the Maldives is absolutely stunning

The RED camera is a next generation video format which is well known among video enthusiasts for it’s stunning clarity and amazingly high definition. The 4096 by 2304 pixel resolution is still out of reach of all but the pro…

Giveaway: World Atlas of Marine Fishes, one book to rule them all

This is a repost of a story we first did back in fall 2008. Marine Depot would like for us to giveaway one copy of this book to remind you that they still sell this  book for cheap and it…

Captive bred mandarin gobies soon commercially available from ORA

Captive bred ORA mandarin gobies, the blue mandarin Synchiropus splendidus and the target ORA mandarin S. picturatus are some of the most exciting new captive raised creatures to be announced by Oceans, Reefs and Aquariums (ORA) since their all white…