Angelfish in reef aquariums: It doesn’t always work out the way you want

Experimenting with large angelfish in reef aquariums is always a gamble. But their sheer beauty alone make it worth the risk. There are some angelfish that are considered safer than others — the Chaetodontoplus, Apolemichthys, and Pygoplites angelfish come to mind —…

Reef Builders Prediction – Captive Bred Butterflyfish by the end of 2014!

It has been a long time coming, but just as we see aquaculturists banging hard on the door, demanding to be let in on the secrets of captive-bred Tangs, so too we see the captive-breeding barrier being approached from every…

ReefStock 2014 review in pictures

ReefStock 2014 was a great success for the Central Colorado region and it should give the local community a nice springboard from which to gain momentum leading up to the big conference at the end of the summer. It was…

NanoBox Reef and Synergy team up for uber stylish nano tanks

Let’s face it, setting up a nano reef is not about getting the most bang for your buck, it’s about dong something special, something unique, something cool. To that effect NanoBox Reef and Synergy Reef Systems have teamed up to pair…

Hands-on with LED Group Buy’s Lumia 5.2

Last year, LED Group Buy introduced the Lumia 5.1 to the DIY LED community, and has had great success with it. But while some loved the simple setup of this high power, full spectrum LED, there were others that were…

A new specimen of the incredible Tattooed Jawfish up for bidding in Japan

It looks like 2014 is all set on totally destroying the previous year’s record for incredible rare fish stories. As you are reading this and carrying on with your daily routine, Japanese reefers are furiously engaging in a bidding war…

Tanne Hoff has written one of the most Practical Guides for the Reef Aquarium

When someone first gets tarted with reef aquarium keeping, one of the first things we like to tell them is to not read anything that is written online. Not because there’s bad information here on the interwebz, but because there’s so…

Reef Octopus Prime skimmer is a near-perfect clone of the Vertex Omega

The Reef Octopus Prime protein skimmer is a new model from the Chinese manufacturer which bears an uncanny resemblance to one of last year’s best. Wine glass body shape, custom volute for not-a-Sicce pump, and that iconic red & white…

ReefGen’s captive bred cuttlefish are ready for prime time

No one can ever accuse ReefGen of sitting on their laurels as they blaze a new trail of captive propagated marine life, this time in the direction of our Ceph Overlords. Sepia bandensis is one of the more desirable cuttlefish for…

Reef Fuze fluorescent superglue from Brightwell Aquatics

R.E.E.F. Fuze is a new super glue from Brightwell Aquatics which is fluorescent yellow-green. Besides making super gllue super strong, sticky, and fast-setting, there’s not much that can be improved in the cyanoacrylate space, but Brightwell thinks that there is…