MaxSpect Mazarra controller goes truly wireless with dedicated power supply

The Mazarra Controller is a simple, easy to use remote for up to 16 different Mazarra modules which up until now, had to be wired into the setup for power. The wireless Mazarra remote controller was not so wireless, but…

Micro-Reefs bringing pico, temperate systems to an office cubicle near you

Micro-Reefs has some great pico aquarium kits for those of you looking for a well thought out kit to move beyond the betta bowl on your desk and even make the only small, complete coldwater system we know about. These…

Gorgeous up close video tour is like a safari of established aquarium corals

[youtube width=”680″ height=”400″][/youtube] Anyone can take videos of freshly collected corals but for us, there’s a distinct attraction that we hold towards corals that corals that are looking great, and appear to have been settled into captive life for a…

Aquascapers launches Eco-Gorgs and a whole menagerie of Caribbean reef corals

Aquascapers is a renewed, re-imagined retail outlet from Coral Morphologic with a new vision for delivering the finest selection of Caribbean corals. Not to be confused with Aquascaperz, Aquascapers is where Coral Morphologic wants you to go from now on…

3 days, a camera and a reef aquarium: Upgrade recorded in stop motion

[youtube][/youtube] Setting up or upgrading your reef aquarium is hard work but despite being time consuming and frustrating, it is one of the most rewarding yet sadistically fun parts of the hobby. One hobbyist set up a camera to capture…

Juvenile Neptune Grouper shows up in Singapore, retailing for a hefty price

Cephalopholis igarashiensis, more commonly known as the Neptune Grouper, is a stunning and highly prized deepwater fish that is very rarely  almost never encountered in the trade. There are few groupers that can rival the rarity and coloration of this…

Sunlight Supply’s Maristar 2 is coming at ya with a trifecta of metal halide, T5 and LED lighting

The Maristar 2 first shown off by Sunlight Supply at Reefapalooza 2010 is finally being made and close to availability for reefers needing copious amount of light for their aquarium.Sunlight Supply’s Maristar 2 includes all of the metal halide, high…

Sunset Marine Labs opens online retail operations at, debuts Eon Jellyfish Tank

Two years ago we wrote about the intriguing work Sunset Marine Labs is doing around the jellyfish industry and were excited to see the company launch its retail operations over the weekend unveiling their virtual storefront “Moon Jellyfish” at…

Estherea reef video shows that the Dutch are some of the best reefers in the world

At Reef Builders we got mad love for the Dutch reefers and we’ve featured Tanne Hoffe, Leo Den Breejen, Pieter van Suijlekom (6 meter Pieter) and the Estherea Hotel, the latter of which has just been given a proper video…

Aquatronica teases new LED fixtures, will include nano reef version

Aquatronica, known for high caliber controller systems was showing off a few new LED lights at Interzoo 2012. These lights are expected to work seamlessly with Aquatronica’s popular line of aquarium controllers. The fixtures are designed out of aluminum and…