Reef Builders pick: five of our favorite concept marine aquariums

We always try to showcase special reef aquariums on a weekly basis here at Reef Builders. Many of the tanks we have highlighted received attention because of their aquascape, rare fish, or beautiful corals. Some however received attention because they…

Micro-reefs and Coldwater Marine Aquatics showcase their new temperate system

Micro-reefs has been producing very nice acrylic pico and nano aquariums for a while now, continually expanding their products line including the Micro-reefs LED fixtures we covered at the show. Recenly they released an out of the box pico coldwater…

Aquatic Life 3 watt LED marine light fixtures shown off at Reef-A-Palooza

Aquatic Life is an aquarium product manufacturer primarily known for their R.O. systems, pumps, T5 fluorescent lights and more recently for entry level 1 watt  expandable fixtures, and their half watt fish sytem lights. They have recently announced the release of a 3 LED watt…

Sunlight Supply Fast Fit Systems seen in the wild

The sunlight supply fast fit is a modular easy to assemble system specifically designed for frags or as a holding system. Coming in several different sizes to fit your needs and at relatively affordable pricing, we’re not surprised to see…

Clam Mania setting up to satisfy your desire for Tridacna

Giant clams are awesome and there’s never been a better time to get into Tridacna. Clams are available from Cocos to cooks, from Vietnam to Tuamotu as well as many farm raised specimens. Every fish store and e-trailer has a…

Get your Fluo-Rod coral pointers at Dirks Reef

Fluorods have been permeating many different aspects of the aquarium hobby but nowhere more than the coral farmers markets and coral frag swaps. With blue LED lights lighting up most new reef aquariums today, Fluorods are a highly visible way…

SEASMART sets up Indiegogo campaign to crowdfund restart in the Philippines

The SEASMART program is taking to Indigogo — a crowdfunding website — to raise funds for its goal to transform the aquarium trade. You might remember EcoEZ SEASMART’s pilot program from Papua New Guinea that helped change the trade over there but…

New color line-up added to Cree XB-D and XM-L series

While we are reporting this a few days later, we are happy to see that Cree announced new color options for the XB-D and XM-L series of LEDs on the 50th birthday of the visible light LED. Adding color options…

Sunlight Supply Fast Fit offers frag tank set up in minutes

Sunlight Supply Fast Fit is exactly what it appears to be in the pictures, a simple holding bin with stand and a hangar to mount a light. Nothing terribly special in itself and probably just modified from original hydroponic use,…

GHL Control Center updated in advance of new GHL Mitras LX, plus more details on the fixture

GHL just updated its GHL Control Center software adding English support in advance of the new GHL Mitras LX 6100 that will be making its North American debut at MACNA in Dallas this week. The updated software has a more…