Top 10 new and cool corals of 2011

2011 brought us a ton of new reef fish species and although coral species and new aquairum strains come about at a crawling pace, this year was an exceptionally good one for a broad range of corals of all types.…

New Northwestern Hawaiian Exhibit coming soon to the Waikiki Aquarium

The Waikiki Aquariums is adding a new and unique exhibit showcasing the rich underwater realm of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. All the coral, fish and other marine life were collected from the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument with rare government approval…

Asian Reef Video Blitz: RGBY LED reef, wild caught marines with no tails, Japanese maiden goby and a nice stand of smooth skin acros

[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″][/youtube] Reef Videos are in such abundance on the net these days that we struggle to keep with posting them one at a time. Currently we’ve been building up a nice collection of great reef videos from Japan,…