Reef Nuggets 3: Fairies and Flashers, with notes from the wild

Today’s Reef Nuggets deal with a topic very close to my heart. Cirrhilabrus and Paracheilinus, or more commonly known as the fairy and flasher wrasses. Instead of my usual banter on “this ultra rare flasher wrasse” or that “extremely deepwater…

The Show Episode 5: Jake & Vincent talk about coral farming and diving the Flores Sea

If you don’t know who Vincent Chalias is by now you must have been living under a very big piece of live rock. Following on the successes of Bob Mankin in the Solomon Islands and Walt Smith in Fiji, Mr.…

Get ready for lots of exciting stories from the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition

We’re back from the Flores Sea with loads of exciting observations and documentation on the reefs of this part of Indonesia. With support from Fluval Sea and no less than nine months of planning, we succeeded in diving and surveying and…

Three Old School corals that are still really cool to grow

There are many SPS corals available to the eager advanced hobbyist today. Far more than we ever had 10 years ago. I remember when the reef community was a much smaller one, a lot like a small town where everyone…

Tales from Thailand: Chingchai’s incredible DSPS tank

Having just returned from an amazing trip in Bangkok, it would almost be considered criminal if we weren’t going to spill and share on the reefing goodies this amazing city has to offer. Like our previous recount of BlueHarbor in…

Rapture of the Deep – The elusive Narcosis Angelfish

Nitrogen Narcosis, The Martini Effect, and Rapture of the Deep: all are terms used to describe the effects of the alteration in consciousness when diving to depths greater than 100 feet (30 meters).  This temporary and reversible effect is similar…

Vincent Chalias, Bali Coral Farmer extraordinaire, will be a speaker at MACNA 2013

You may not know Vincent Chalias directly but if you’ve been an active coral reef keeper in the last decade, chances are you’ve handled some of his corals and may have some in your tank right now. For fifteen years…

Sabine’s visit to Bali coral farm feels exceptionally personal

Sabine Penisson has been picturing the photographs of Reef Builders, articles and many other publications in Europe with some fine marine life and marine aquarium photography for quite some time now. As impressive as her imagery has been, Sabine’s latest round…

Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 1. Beyond the shopfront.

BlueHarbor is perhaps, one of the more iconic and reputable fish stores in the East and maybe even the world – Renowned for their incredible repertoire of some of the rarest reef fishes, as well as Koji’s incredible knowledge and…

Histiophryne pogonius frogfish has a face only a marine aquarist could love

Histiophryne pogonius is a newly described species of anglerfish which is expertly camouflaged for habitats of coralline algae and sponge. Related to the sensational psychedelic frogfish, Histiophryne psychadelica, the new Histiophryne pogonius is especially lumpy in form, even for a frogfish,…