Reef Builders Guide: How to setup a Reef Tank

    The best words I have to describe a coral reef is a “lush wasteland.” By this I mean many extremely different types of life inhabit a coral reef, yet it is incredibly nutrient poor. Reefs rely on powerful…

Reproduction in Aquarium Corals: What do we know and what do we still have to learn?

By: ANN TARRANT Over the past decade aquarists have made remarkable advances in rearing scleractinian (hard or stony) corals (Siegel 1997). This has been possible as a result of a better understanding of nutrient cycling and improvements in technology, such…

Reef Tank Temperatures — Another View

By: RICHARD HARKER The November 1997 issue of Aquarium Frontiers Online included an article entitled, “What are Natural Reef Salinities and Temperatures…Really…and Does It Matter?” (Shimek 1997). In the article, the author argued that hobbyists maintain reef tanks at artificially…