GFP “infection” radically alters the look of stony corals, like the Green Jacket

Green Fluorescent Protein is one of the most ubiquitous and recognizable fluorescent colors in soft and stony corals. In some cases the GFP is expressively produced, sometimes it’s a byproduct and recently reef aquarists have observed a third phenomenon involving…

Petition targets 83 coral species for U.S. endangered species list protection

The Center for Biological Diversity recently prepared and filed a scientific petition to have 83 coral species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act. The petition, filed on October 20, 2009, looks to use the powers of…

Thoughts on Reef Aquarium Husbandry: “Good things done in small measures, with frequency.”

Recently, I gave a talk at a hobby club meeting in Vermont, and the topic was Nutrient Control and Export”.  I’ve given this talk at some other clubs aound the nation before, and I’m frequently surprised by how much hobbyists…

Tear Down The Wall! Re-imagining rockwork for a new century

One of the biggest problems for most hobbyists when incorporating live rock into their display is figuring out how much live rock needs to be used. In the “old days”, it was thought that you needed up to a “few…

Ideas for Replicating Nature: Appreciating a “Nuisance” Macroalgae

As a dedicated fan of  marine biotope aquariums and unique concept aquariums, I’m always trying to look at natural reefs for inspiration. I mean, if nature does it, it must be good, right? And you never know where that next…

Anagonbe’s Japanese Reef presented in High Definition Video

High definition video is the only way to really do justice to this amazine Japanese style reef aquarium by the one they call Anagonbe. This SPS dominated aquarium features very keenly arranged Acropora colonies which are grouped together based on…

Soft Corals: Still Sexy After All These Years

Being a traveling fish geek/speaker, I probably get to see as many aquariums each month as some hobbyists do all year. In almost every city that I visit, I’m taken to amazing aquariums- some are huge, some are medium sized,…

Some amazing corals hiding in plain sight

So many rare and unusual corals that are infrequently seen in the trade make up a small percentage of all corals which are harvested for the ornamental coral trade. With that premise, LiveAquaria’s ability to  handle a huge number of…

Old ReefLux lamp does the splits

Here’s a note to the would-be overdrivers of ReefLux lamps: If you are overdriving ReefLux metal halide lamps to get some crazy good PAR numbers, don’t. The lamp above may have been overdriven for more than 12 months but we…

A “Fresh” Approach

In  three decades (gulp) in the marine hobby, I’ve kept everything from Acropora to Xenia, and a lot of stuff in between. Seems as though I alway find something new to try; another challenge to accept, a different system to…