Last week, I visited ACI Aquaculture in Plant City, Florida. While there, Chris showed me a variety of specimens that he had recently imported. Among them was something I had never seen before. At first, I thought I was looking…
Search Results For: acropora
The Staghorns of Bauhinia: A Short Tour Of Acropora Species In Wild Hong Kong
When someone talks about Hong Kong, we would most likely associate it with the breathtaking skyscrapers, night scenery, the bustling city life as well as its diverse people and culture. But this tiny city tucked away on the coast of…
Phestilla arnoldi is a New Species of Acropora Eating Nudibranch
Researchers surveying a coral reef in the Gulf of Thailand have found 13 species of coral-eating nudibranch, including one that’s totally new to science. The nudibranchs belong to the genus Phestilla – small, frilly, parasitic/predatory sea slugs which mimic the…
Acropora speciosa – what you need to know
We’re seeing quite a few lovely examples of Acropora speciosa turn up in stores lately, including the coveted “Flaming Sunrise.” Here’s a montage of everything we have on them, written by experts, to aid in our knowledge, and their aquarium…
Grzegorz Grebosz’s Acropora are Probiotic Perfection
We admit to following and admiring this aquarium for a while, and although it’s existed in several guises since 2015, the bright, tabling acros and pristine, immaculately clean tank always manage to keep it looking like new. We caught up…
Flashback Friday: Jake’s love for Anacropora
Those who knew Jake Adams knew his passion spanned all Scleractinians, but there is one lesser known, lesser kept genus that he was particularly passionate about and even got to collect them in the wild – Anacropora. So we thought…
Indonesian Acropora tenuis has been renamed Acropora bifaria
A team of 11 coral researchers has used phylogenomic techniques to resolve the taxonomy of the genus Acropora. Historically, coral taxonomy was based almost exclusively on skeletal morphology, resulting in the description of some 400 species of Acropora, with two-thirds…
Flashback Friday – Remember When Jake Did This To An Acropora?
Jake Adams had so many cool, original ideas while at the Reef Builders Studio, and when we were reminiscing all the good times we came across this post about a crazy, but successful regraft of a “Derek’s Indecision” Acropora back…
Forced Fusion of the Dallas Acropora
Experimenting and playing god with corals is something that will always grab my attention. So when I noticed Ben Duncan, the owner of Exotic Aquaculture, a boutique reef store In Melbourne, Australia doing some grafting with iconic staghorn Acropora I…
We just can’t get enough of the TSA Fruity Splice Acropora
We’ve known about this spliced acro for a while now, but after Remy went to see it in person we just can’t stop thinking about it. We reached out to Top Shelf’s Kevin Burda for more info on his discovery. …