Jake Adams, Celebration of Life Dive Trip

This year, we commemorated the first anniversary of our great friend’s passing. The coral feast that I had planned to show him and that was left unfinished, ended up into another great adventure celebrating Jake’s coral love with other great…

What it’s Like To Start a ‘Career in Corals’

My name is Levi Peterson and a few months ago I made a decision to work closely with corals at ACI Aquaculture. I formerly worked at a local pet store and personally worked very closely with Non-Photosynthetic corals. However, when…

There’s a Lot of Phoney ‘Maricultured’ Coral in the Hobby

As the old adage goes ‘if it’s too good to be true, then it probably isn’t’ and this wholly applies to many different corals being classified as maricultured. Everyone who deals in and sells corals should be aware of what…

The Shape of Corals is Linked to How they Feed

It’s been over 20 years since I started culturing corals in the ocean and in dedicated aquariums. I always believed that the shape of a corals was mainly determined by trying to expose as much surface to light while withstanding…

Farmed Corals from Indonesia Will Never be the Same

After a few days of euphoria with everyone thinking that the unlimited supply of cheap maricultured coral from Indonesia is back we are feeling a bit hungover. We tried to communicate the message that things would be different in last…

Fimbriaphyllia: Hammer, Torch & Frogspawn Corals Might Be More Different Than Anyone Thought

It’s no secret that Euphyllia corals are a very diverse group and it seems that some of these species may be more different from each other than we ever thought. We see both a range of forms within each of…

Vir euphyllius: the best pictures of this little known coral shrimp

The list of cute little coral-shrimp seemsĀ like it is endless. Another very discrete crustacean that we came across during our Fluval sea Flores Expedition earlier this year is Vir euphyllius that is exclusively associated with LPS corals of the Euphyllidae…