As we approach the new year, the artful reefers at CoralMorphologic have just released another visually stimulating video. The diminutive Pederson’s cleaner shrimp, Periclemenes pedersoni, is a gorgeous little crustacean that is nearly see-through save for a few subtle and…
Search Results For: Ricordea
Ricordea shrimp from Coral Morphologic could be a new species of Periclemenes
Ricordea Shrimp are a newly collected Periclemenes species from Southern Florida reefs which may be new to science. Our pals over at Coral Morphologic observed and collected this species living in Ricordea species corallimorphs. The diminutive discovery ranges in size…
Haiti live rock and Ricordea rock will soon be available again
After being unavailable for a few years one year, we’ve just come to learn that Haitian live rock and Ricordea rock will once again be available to the U.S. aquarium trade. Caribbean live rock from Haiti usually originates from elkhorn…
Preis Aquaristik and Ricordea Farm launch Coral-Energize food
Coral Energizer is a special blend made just for Ricordea, Zoanthids, soft corals (Alcyonacea) and leather corals (Sarcophyton sp.) Coral Energizer contains a high-quality mixture of nutrients and minerals, various marine algae, bio-polymers, proteinogenic amino acids such as arginine, glycine,…
Panic! at the Disco(soma) – An Overview of Discosoma spp. Corallimorphs
Many reef hobbyists, myself included, may have had their first foray at coral husbandry courtesy of a corallimorph. These so-called “mushroom-corals” of the taxonomic order Corallimorpharia are not true stony corals phylogenetically, but instead, represent a sort of “missing link”…
Ten of our Favorite #reefbuilders Tagged Corals on Instagram
We love it when you tag us on Instagram and there are currently over 365,000 #reefbuilders tagged posts on the photo and video-sharing app. Here are just 10 of the corals we’ve picked out and highlighted from our feed, and…
Psychedelic Rainbow Umbrella is the most colorful Discosoma neglecta we’ve seen
Umbrella mushrooms are often green, brown, or mottled and as such aren’t highly coveted by the shroom world, but this specimen displayed by Iwarna Aquafarm in Singapore stopped our scrolling fingers in their tracks. Discosoma neglecta is a corallimorph that…
A Multilevel Display for Shrooms, Chalices and Anemones [Video]
In our latest video we showed off the new incarnation of our Mode retail rack system which has been an integral part of the Reef Builders Studio for several years now. The multitiered aquarium system was initially purposed as a…
I Got Stung By a Ball-Tentacle Shroom!
Shrooms or corallimorphs are classified as some of the most innocuous of all stinging ‘corals’ and they tend to be at the bottom of the aggression pyramid in most reef environments. The smooth surfaces of Discosoma and most Rhodactis don’t really have…
Red Mini-Maxi Anemone Lives Much Deeper than we Thought
Mini maxi Carpet anemones, Homactis tapetum, have been a hot commodity from Vietnam for a long time already. They used to come in all possible coloration, and it took us quite a long time to actually discover their habitat in…