Tokyo Tart Acan Lord from Cherry Corals is your Saturday coral eye candy

Once in a while a coral appears which is so sensational in color and pattern that it deserves a unique name and a dedicated post. The Tokyo Tart is a very unique strain of Acanthastrea lordhowensis that was obtained by Cherry…

Orange beaded Discosoma mushroom anemone is much nicer than a Ricordea impersonator

The awesome ornage-beaded Discosoma mushroom anemone we spotted at Route 66 Marine this weekend is in the same league as that awesome rainbow Discosoma from Vietnam. However, this super sweet orange-beaded Discosoma was imported from Australia, on the base of…

From revolution to evolution: a look at two hobby trends and their impact

After 30-something years in the hobby, you see a lot of trends come and go. Fads and “new” ideas show up and subsequently vanish back into the mists of time. Some of these “fads” do stick around a while, yet…