Mythical Linespot Triggerfish Appears At ACI Aquaculture

Once upon a time, the goldenback triggerfish was the holy grail of this special group of marine fishes, but that title has been usurped by another, more illustrious species, the linespot triggerfish. Xanthichthys lineopuntatus was once only a ‘book fish’ but…

First good pictures of the newest wicked colored koi scopas tang

The wicked koi scopas tang is alive and well in the United States and we’ve got the first pictures of this fish from an actual camera. The nearly one-of-a-kind Zebrasoma scopas was conditioned in Jakarta after its collection in Java and…

Red Sea Maxima Clams are back in the aquarium hobby

Red Sea Maxima Clams are back in the aquarium hobby after a long absence that spanned more than a decade and a half. Wholesaler ACI Aquaculture in Tampa Florida recently landed a batch of just under 300 Red Sea Maxima…