Unique video shows the clear difference between clarki and true sebae clownfish

The true sebae clownfish, Amphiprion sebae, is a very unique anemonefish that looks significantly different from the clarki clownfish which often borrows its name. We love true sebae clownfish and we’ve been in love with the perfect specimen on display at the…

LiveAquaria and ORA partnered up to produce more Mcculochi clownfish

If you’ve been hankering for one little tank-bred Mcculochi clownfish your chances to get this black devil darling of a clownfish is about to get a whole lot more affordable. Tonight LiveAquaria will post the first new specimens of the…

Juicy captive bred Amphiprion Mccullochi clownfish showed off by ORA

It’s been quite a while since we heard any news about the uber rare Mcculloch’s clownfish, Amphiprion mccullochi, but this weekend ORA treated visitors to their MACNA booth to some great looking small captive-bred specimens.Before the rare clownfish fanciers get…

Hybrid clownfish strikes again, this time it looks like a tomato x ocellaris

It’s not only special designer morph clownfish and insane man made hybrid clownfish that show the most unusual appearance in the aquarium trade, nature always has some interesting ‘crazy’ clownfish too too! Here I came up with a photograph of…

Unusal wild caught Ocellaris clown is spotted from the Philipines

Two wild Amphiprion ocellaris from the Philippines were recently collected with a ‘natural’ mis-barred Picasso pattern. People who have seen man made clownfish such as the Picasso, Snowflake, or the Platinum varieties may easily overlook unusual clownfish with a small…

Picasso Clarkii Clownfish video

When we first heard that Picasso clarkii were coming from Bali Aquarich, our initial thought was that these Amphiprion clarkii were only slightly picasso-barred. But once we saw the Picasso clarkii clownfish at House of Fins it was clear that…

Accidental clownfish hybrids abound at ORA

Hybrid clownfish mostly take a backseat to clownfish varieties in the marine aquarium captive breeding world but wild clownfish crosses like Thielli clownfish and white-cap clownfish are always in high demand. We tend to think of wild clownfish crosses as…

Impressive Picasso Clarki Clownfish appear in the US

Our first glimpse of the Picasso Clarki clownfish was based on some juveniles spotted in the UK. While visiting House of Fins in Greenwich CT this weekend we were pleasantly surprised to see a decent batch of the Picasso Clarki…

Picasso Clarkii clownfish likely originating from Bali Aquarich

The Picasso Clarki clownfish is a strain that has been a long time coming, considering we’ve had picasso, snowflake, platinum and wyoming white clownfish for years as well as misbarred maroons and spotcinctus clownfish. We first spied a picture of…

Proaquatix releases Captive-Bred Akindynos Barrier Reef Clownfish

Today, Proaquatix announced their release of captive bred Great Barrier Reef Clownfish, Amphiprion akindynos.  This species only rarely enters the hobby, normally as wild caught specimens.  Depending on the size and quality, they can fetch upwards of $250 for a…