Clownfish are much loved in the aquarium hobby, and are probably some of the most iconic and most recognizable and quirky reef fish in popular culture. This is primarily because of their text book mutulaistic relationship with anemones, the anemone…
Yellow carpet anemones add to an already diverse color palette of Stichodactyla
The yellow carpet anemone is the latest Stichodactyla color variation to reveal itself not through pictures or hearsay but through actual living specimens. Global Reef Supply this week received not one but a handful of beautiful yellow carpet anemones which look…
Phyllodiscus semoni mimic anemone is almost cooler than its stony coral model
If we were swimming along a reef and saw this crazy creature we’d lose our cool at the sight of this incredible mimic anemone. Looking every bit like its stony coral model, this Phyllodiscus semoni is nearly indistinguishable from the…
This blue Mini Maxi anemone was too irresistible to pass up
While the Mini Maxi carpet anemone craze was in full swing we sat on the sidelines watching all these wonderful little cnidarians making their way into aquariums. We’ve always been fond of the tee-ninesy little micro carpets that Gary Majchrzak first…
Spawning flower anemone lets its gametes go for the Coral Morphologic camera
If you thought flower anemones are cool, check out the appearance of this spawning flower anemone slowly ejecting a mass of white cloudy sperm into the aquarium water. This Epicystis crucifer was getting its sexual spawning on in the lab of…
Hawaiian Mann’s Anemone, Cladactella manni is a strikingly colored species from the surge zone
If you want to look for something new and uncommon, the endemic Hawaiian Mann’s Anemone (Cladactella manni) is a worthy target. The anemone itself looks very different from what you might probably see in your local LFS. From outside appearance,…
The beauty of the flower anemone, an under-appreciated gem for any reef aquarium
I have always been a champion of the underdog when it comes to corals in this hobby and what is considered the most popular at the moment, often times are not my favorites. Flower anemones (Epicystis crucifer) are a truly…
Wild clownfish video is the ultimate footage of amphiprion and anemones
If you have a single clownfish loving bone in your body, then you have to watch this amazing preview of the forthcoming nature DVD, Anemonefish: Nature’s Aquarium. The preview features many different species of anemonefish in the wild, hosting in the various…
A short reminder why Halcurias anemones are awesome
We covered the first Halcurias anemone that appeared at live aquaria a couple weeks ago, and as there is more and more of these puppy’s popping up in the trade, here is a reminder why they a freaking awesome. One…
Halcurias anemone is the ‘Glofish’ of the cnidarians
Halcurias carlgreni is an amazingly bright neon yellow green anemone from the deeper cool waters of Japan. If you have a typical reef tank the Halcurias anemone is definitely not for you but if this kind of creature is interesting to you,…