Reef Culture Technologies already beginning to ship a few ‘Hawaiian Cherub’ angelfish

Without context the image above shows a trio of the ubiquitous Caribbean pygmy angelfish, Centropyge argi, but if we told you these fish were made in Hawaii you might call us crazy. That is until we tell you that these…

Now THAT’s what you call a tigertail coral beauty angelfish

The photograph of this tigertail coral beauty angelfish didn’t come easy as the Centropyge bispinosa from Mauritius was an active fish. Thankfully, this coral beauty was a large and resplendent specimen with an amazing coloration that was well worth the…

Genicanthus semifasciatus angelfish makes a surprise appearance in large numbers

Genicanthus semifasciatus is perhaps the rarest of the obtainable six species of swallowtail angelfishes that make up part of the Genicanthus genus. The other four members are extremely rare and conventionally unobtainable to the average aquarist, perhaps with the exception…

A fresh crop of joculator angelfish come to the U.S. via Global Reef Supply

The joculator angelfish, Centropyge joculator, is one of the rarest pygmy angelfish in the aquarium trade which is actually available, albeit ever so infrequently. It’s been quite a while since some fresh joculators entered the trade and a fresh batch…

Piebald Zebrasoma and a smiling Koran Angelfish shows up at US wholesalers

Aberrations are amongst some of nature’s most wonderful surprises and few more so than the piebald yellow tang. The spectacular specimen brought in by Quality Marine is a fine example of how variable these piebald Zebrasoma tangs can be. No…

A new peppermint angelfish video just went live

A spankin new video of the holy peppermint angelfish, Paracentropyge boylei, was just uploaded to the interwebz yesterday. This is the very same and still the only live peppermint angelfish alive in captivity, which has been in the care of…

Yellow Holacanthus angelfish is not quite a queen, nor a rock beauty

A very unusual yellow Holacanthus angelfish has turned up at B-Box Aquarium which is not quite a queen angelfish although it does bear some traits of the Rock Beauty angelfish, Holacanthus tricolor. The Queen Angelfish (H. ciliaris) is a staple…

Unique hybrid halfblack angelfish looks like a pygmy kingi

the Eibli’s dwarf angelfish, is a common dwarf angelfish hailing from the Indo-Pacific. It is well known in the trade as a common fish, but even more well known for its abilities to produce magnificent hybrids. The fish is promiscuous…

Centropyge deborae: Fiji blue midnight angelfish to be described as a separate species

The Fiji blue midnight angelfish that is only currently known from deep reef pinnacles in Fiji will soon be described as a new species, Centropyge deborae. The Fiji blue midnight angelfish was long believed to be a local variant of…

Yellow face coral beauty angelfish imported from Cebu by Aqua Terra Distributors

As far as unusually colored reef fish go, this yellow faced coral beauty is definitely an eye catching specimen. Captured in Cebu, the yellow face Coral Beauty angelfish is a larger specimen which doesn’t appear to be a hybrid with…