The new Super Actinic LED Clusters just announced by Illumagic are certain to appeal to a certain cadre of reefers who just can’t get enough blue light. If you think the Windex look is not blue enough, these Super Actinic…
Kessil’s Unique Photoredox Lights are not Specifically for Aquariums
The Kessil Photoredox are a specialized LED spotlight which was designed with a very specific purpose and it’s not growing corals. As the name implies, the Kessil Photoredox lights are for driving chemical reactions that are catalyzed with strong light, especially…
The Deep Dive on Reef Aquarium Lighting, Part 1: Zooxanthellae, Color Temperature, and Light Intensity
Lighting is important because it directly affects how we visually enjoy the hobby and, more importantly, the vast majority of the corals in our tanks are photosynthetic. In this two-part article, we will first cover some of the basics of…
Blue OLED tech gets a 25% efficiency boost
The Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) is one of the newer lighting technologies which promises to revolutionize the lighting world. There are many different types of OLEDs in everyday devices from cell phones and media players to backlighting applications. At…