Five Reasons Sponges Are BAD For A Coral Reef Aquarium

Sponges are some of the most remarkable life forms that we can encounter in the ocean. These resilient and diverse ‘creatures’ are not quite single celled, not quite organisms, but colonies of single cells all working together.  The can be…

Building a coral aquarium for a coral-eating lemonpeel angelfish

We’ve always thought it was odd that our marine fish get discretely divided into the reef-safe and non reef-safe camps because as we’ve seen time and time again, it’s very possible to keep predators in a reef tank; they don’t…

Reef tank by Furious Fish captures the ethos of focused fish and coral aquariums

[youtube width=”680″ height=”420″][/youtube] Mr. Furious Fish is an aquarist after our own reefing heart, as demonstrated in this simple reef aquarium which is more fish and coral than it is reef. With a bare minimum of live rock to support…