Video shows the effects of coral bleaching in Bali Indonesia

This summer there has been no shortage of coral bleaching stories in the news. However, this video of coral bleaching in Bali Indonesia hits home as we visited the same reef at Menjangan Island December 2015. This video posted by…

Salty Q&A: Acropora Bleaching Fast!

Question I just introduced an Acropora to my 65-gallon reef tank, and it’s already starting to bleach on me. I’d say about one-quarter to one-third of the colony has already bleached, and it’s been in the tank less than a…

Even The Most Isolated Reefs Are Suffering From Global Warming

The assumption is still widely held that isolated reefs, far from human activities are better off than reefs around densely populated and heavily used areas. However, a recent study published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports found that isolated coral reefs are in…

Coral Bleaching Could Cost Australia $1 Billion in Lost Tourism

Researchers from the Australian Institute are warning that continued coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef could result in a loss of $ 1 Billion dollars in tourism revenue to the country. This report coming just a week after the…

Coral Bleaching data from the GBR ‘misinterpreted’

Has this years coral bleaching event been the worst bleaching ever recorded? Or perhaps just the most reported bleaching ever? The jury is out as to the true impact of this years major event on the Great Barrier Reef, with authority…

Coral bleaching is heartbreaking, but reefs CAN recover

With the massive coral bleaching event occurring right now in the Great Barrier Reef and other parts of the Pacific Ocean, it’s easy to get depressed and discouraged about the future of coral reefs. In the face of so many…

Reefer’s eye view of dying corals on the Great Barrier Reef

For the past two to three weeks, the bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef has been all over the news, and there’s hardly a day that goes by that new pictures and reports come in of how dire the situation…

Why Reef Building corals are being hit the hardest by coral bleaching

Coral reefs are under existential threat. This year alone large scale bleaching has been observed on 500 separate coral reefs along the Great Barrier Reef, and up to 50% of bleached corals from in water surveys have already died, in…

First damages of the 2016 global coral mass bleaching event

An interview of leading coral expert Prof. Terry Hughes was recently published in a video. An areal survey reveals the first major damage of ENSO-induced warming on the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Countless bleached reefs, hanging like white ghosts…

Worst mass coral bleaching event in history

The Australian ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies has released aerial survey footage of what they are calling the worst mass coral bleaching event in history. The aerial survey documented more than 500 coral reefs from Cairns Australia to…