Coral fluorescence is a thing of magic

The scintillating brilliance that exudes from a coral is without a doubt the clinching factor for decision making in purchasing, propagating or just old school showing off. Yet the colour magic registered by your retina may just be a facade, masquerading a different…

Scientific-based approach to coral conservation will use “Assisted Evolution”

A new report was recently shared about two prominent coral reef ecologist’s plan to help out wild reefs with a hands-on approach to reef management that sounds eerily close to what we have been doing in our aquariums for decades.…

The Marine Aquarist’s Greatest Asset

If someone were to ask you (perhaps with a gun held to your head, as is so often the case in these hypothetical scenarios) to identify the one thing that no aspiring marine aquarist should be without, what would your…

Really get to know Scleractinia with the free Coral Finder Toolkit movies

Corals can be quite difficult to identify for the uninitiated, and even certain groups can be quite challenging to differentiate from each other. We are always super motivated to find the latest and greatest new corals, either in the wild,…

Top 10 new coral and giant clam species of 2014

The discoveries of new fish species were really impressive this year and the coral and giant clam taxonomists also had their hands full in 2014. Across the board we are still seeing a nice steady flow of new soft and…

Observe more than 250 corals from the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition in the comfort of home

We spent a great deal of time trying to tell you about all the neat corals we observed and documented on the Fluval Sea Flores Expedition with more than 20 stories on different coral strains and species alone. However we shot…

Who is PIJAC and How Are They Helping Us?

Last week I told you about the recent Endangered Species Act (ESA) coral listings and how they could mean the end of our hobby. This week I wanted to take a closer look at Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council (PIJAC)…

Coral Morphologic artwork graces the walls at Miami International Airport

Heading to Miami soon? Keep an eye out for the eye-catching artwork by Coral Morphologic that is gracing the walls at Miami International Airport through its MIA Galleries. The 80-ft. wall features images from Coral Morphologic’s local marine life photography…

Meet the Blastomussa vivida, a new blasto species

The LPS craze was fueled in part by beautiful and fleshy Blastomussa corals and now we are finding out there is a new member of this coral genus — the Blastomussa vivida. According to a new research paper published this…

Battle to save Miami coral from destruction

Colin Foord from Coral Morphologic is battling time, strong currents and eels in the effort to save corals in Miami’s harbor from being blasted to smithereens by the Army Corp of Engineering during the $220 million Deep Dredge project to…