Why you should ICP test RO water

For us, one of the biggest benefits that ICP testing brought to the reefing hobby was not just the ability to test your aquarium’s saltwater, it was the ability to test the source water too, the pure, freshwater we use…

Why Pure Source Water is Fundamental to a Successful Reef Tank

There are so many aspects to succeeding with a reef tank but one of the first ones, and one of the most important ones, is good source water. Unless you are buying/using natural seawater (and even if you are you…

Reverse Osmosis and Deionization explained

When I was growing up, we were actually taught computer programming in school using punch cards that needed to be inserted into the computer. It was extremely rudimentary and slow, but it did teach me one valuable lesson: garbage in,…

Refill Your DI Cartridge With Aquatic Life Color Changing Deionization Resin

Aquatic life has introduced a new clear cartridge housing for their deionization filter system. The updated filter is made with durable polyethylene material to help prevent cracking if the cartridge is accidentally dropped. The clear housing allows for easy viewing…

Twist-In Filtration is a New Reverse Osmosis System from Aquatic Life

Twist-in Filtration is a new form of water purification from Aquatic Life. The twist-in form factor of Aquatic Life’s new filtration system streamlines the process of using and servicing this filtration, and it reduces the cost too. Aquatic Life is…

Aquarium Technologies Borrowed from Other Industries

We marine aquarists use a variety of tools to help keep our tanks healthy by either changing or removing the waste products of the animals we keep. But did you know virtually all of the devices we use were originally…

Some Thoughts on Reclaiming Reverse-Osmosis Waste Water

While reverse-osmosis units are among the more practical, affordable means for producing purified tap water suitable for sensitive reef systems, there’s no question that they tend to generate a lot of waste water relative to the volume of purified product.…

Marine Aquarium Acronyms: RO/DI Defined

As most marine aquarists will tell you—and as we point out frequently here at Saltwater Smarts—using purified source water for initial aquarium fill-ups, partial water changes, and freshwater top-offs is essential to maintaining the best possible water quality in a…