White Corals hits a mother lode of disc corals

White Corals has been on the Reef Builders front page before for plenty of cool corals and livestock, and now they’ve done it again with this crazy mother lode of disc and plate corals. It is no secret we like…

Red wagon wheel Fungia fralinae is a planetary alignment of perfect features

The red wagon wheel Fungia fralinae is a “new” coral strain which really caught us off guard, not only for its stunning beauty but also for its consistent appearance. The Fungia fralinae with the pattern like a red wagon wheel…

Sandalolitha boucheti, a new species of Fungiid stony coral from Vanuatu and Sabah Malaysia

Sandalolitha boucheti is a new species of Fungiid stony coral that demonstrates the need for more basic coral species research and surveying. Seems like every week we have new species of reef fish being described but it’s much less often…

Red Cycloseris shows up at Happy Coral

Red disc corals are hot, and red Cycloseris are even hotter. It’s been a while since we saw a good killer red Cycloseris so you can imagine our reaction when we heard that not one, but two red Cycloseris showed up at…

Time lapse video of disc and tongue corals show innate ability to survive being buried

It’s fairly well known that disc coral and tongue coral can excavate themselves after being buried with sand but a couple new time-lapse videos of Fungia scutaria and Herpolitha limax show something more. Not only do both of these corals inflate the…

Outstanding Fungia fralinae could become the first captive raised strain of disc coral

Fungia fralinae is a fairly common, popular and robust species of disc coral which is more often an attractive green color with orange mouths. It is actually less common to get Fungia fralinae as an individual polyp than as the remnants…

Rare orange Fungia plate coral shows up at Reefkoi

We really cringe when we see nearly all orange plate corals labeled as ‘orange Fungia’ corals since the typical, standard-issue orange disc corals are by and large all orange Cycloseris corals. However, we have seen one extra large orange Fungia…

RB Personal Shopper: Attack of the killer Cycloseris

Cycloseris are some of the hardiest and most colorful LPS corals available to reefers. We love all kinds of Cycloseris including Rainbow Cycloseris and we even had a Cycloseris of the year contest at the end of 2009. About a…