Giant Squid Sighted Alive for the Second Time

The giant squid is one of the more mythical type sea creatures that actually exists, even if evidence of them is quite sparse. Every now and then some specimens wash up on a beach or a dead one is found…

Huge Giant Squid Is About To Stink Up This Beach!

You know an animal is large when people first mistake it as a grounded boat! That is exactly what happened on this beach in Maluku Province of Indonesia when they sighted a huge brownish shape bulging from the shallow waters of…

Friday Smorgasbord: Happy clams, archerfish, fish surgery, giant squid and peeing in the ocean

We are happy as a clam to deliver our next installment of the Friday Smorgasbord. Every wonder what the origins of the idiom actually are? Seems it has been in use by sailors and shellfish gatherers from the mid-1600s in…

Edith Widder TED Talk explains the role of luminesence in attracting the giant squid

History was made when around three months ago, the first footage of a giant squid was caught. Not only was video produced, the giant squid was captured in some seriously high definition resulting in absolutely stunning footage. Part of the…

E-Jelly and LED bait for the Giant Squid win

After years of searching for live giant squid and hoping to film them in their natural habitat, who would have thought that LEDs in artificial jellyfish known as E-Jelly would be part of the trick to reeling one in. Last…

Elusive giant squid finally caught on video — and we have it to share

We first heard about the giant squid video captured during an expedition for the Discovery Channel’s show Curiosity last month and now there are finally more details along with footage of the squid to share. According to recent reports, the encounter happened during…

Scientist have capture giant squid on video and grown legs on zebrafish

Some science stories reveal just a small glimpse of the natural world by giant squids and fish with legs are on the other end of the spectrum. Monday the Discovery Channel revealed that is had obtained the first footage of a…

Friday Smorgasbord: Glowing shrimp, alien worlds, Kraken family reunion, environmental games, die starfish die, and kamikaze baracuda

Another Friday and another fun installment of the Friday Smorgasbord. First off is the way cool glowing shrimp we found on NatGeo. The deep-sea shrimp Parapandalus has bioluminescence capabilities and actually hurls a glowing cloud of organic matter to confuse…

Giant squid found off coast of Florida

Fisherman out for an enjoyable time on the water off the coast of Florida hauled in quite a surprise when they found a rare 25-foot-long giant squid floating in the water. According to details listed in a press release from…